Peace & Conflict

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2010
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2013
Center on International Cooperation

The 2013 Annual Review of Global Peace Operations provides comprehensive information on all current military and—for the first time—civilian peace operations, more than 130    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2011
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2012
Center on International Cooperation

Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional    More >

African Actors in International Security: Shaping Contemporary Norms
Katharina P. Coleman and Thomas K. Tieku, editors

What impact have African actors had on perceptions of and responses to current international security challenges? Are there international peace and security norms with African roots? How can    More >

Peacebuilding as Politics: Cultivating Peace in Fragile Societies
Elizabeth M. Cousens and Chetan Kumar, editors, with Karin Wermester

Although the idea of postconflict peacebuilding appeared to hold great promise after the end of the Cold War, within a very few years the opportunities for peacebuilding seemed to pale    More >

Toward Peace in Bosnia: Implementing the Dayton Accords
Elizabeth M. Cousens and Charles K. Cater

When the Dayton peace agreement was signed in 1995, there were expectations among the signatories, the Bosnian population, and the international community alike that the pact would not only    More >

Why Enduring Rivalries Do—or Don’t—End
Eric W. Cox

Why do some enduring, violent rivalries between states end peacefully, while others drag on interminably or cease only with the complete collapse or defeat of one of the states? Eric Cox    More >

The Fates of African Rebels: Victory, Defeat, and the Politics of Civil War
Christopher Day

What determines the outcome for rebels in contemporary African civil wars? How are "victory" and "defeat" measured?  Is there any connection between a rebel    More >

From Soldiers to Politicians: Transforming Rebel Movements After Civil War
Jeroen de Zeeuw, editor

In the transition from war-torn societies to stable multiparty democracies, what is the role of former rebel leaders? Can rebel movements effectively transform themselves from military to    More >

Promoting Democracy in Postconflict Societies
Jeroen de Zeeuw and Krishna Kumar, editors

Few would dispute the importance of donating funds and expertise to conflict-ridden societies—but such aid, however well meant, often fails to have the intended effect. This study    More >

Multi-Track Diplomacy: A Systems Approach to Peace, 3rd edition
Louise Diamond and John McDonald

Exceptional in its systemic approach to peacemaking and conflict resolution, Multi-Track Diplomacy identifies the actors and activities that contribute to peacemaking and peacebuilding    More >

Evaluating Peace Operations
Paul F. Diehl and Daniel Druckman

Winner of the International Association for Conflict Management's Outstanding Book Award, 2012! There has been a great deal written on why peace operations succeed or fail.... But how    More >

The Golden Fleece: Manipulation and Independence in Humanitarian Action
Antonio Donini, editor

A Global Observatory Must-Read Book in Peace and Security! The authors of this book take a long view—starting with the origins of organized humanitarianism in the mid-nineteenth    More >

Nation-Building Unraveled? Aid, Peace, and Justice in Afghanistan
Antonio Donini, Norah Niland and Karin Wermester, editors

Using Afghanistan as an illustrative case, Nation-Building Unraveled? offers insiders’ perspectives on how emerging international practices are affecting the roles, policies, and    More >

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