Black Studies

Ralph Bunche: The Man and His Times
Benjamin Rivlin, editor

Illuminating the many facets of his career and exploring his extraordinary legacy, a distinguished group of authors examine Nobel peace laureate Ralph Bunche's ideas and activities    More >

Reproducing Race: The Paradox of Generation Mix
Rainier Spencer

Is postraciality just around the corner? How realistic are the often-heard pronouncements that mixed-race identity is leading the United States to its postracial future? In his provocative    More >

Republicans and the Black Vote
Michael K. Fauntroy

The Republican Party once enjoyed nearly unanimous support among African American voters; today, it can hardly maintain a foothold in the black community. Exploring how and why this shift    More >

Roots of African American Violence: Ethnocentrism, Cultural Diversity, and Racism
Darnell F. Hawkins, Jerome B. McKean, Norman A. White, and Christine Martin

What explains the well-documented racial disparities in rates of homicide and other acts of criminal violence in the United States? Critically confronting the conventional narratives that    More >

Surviving Katrina: The Experiences of Low-Income African American Women
Jessica Warner Pardee

Winner of the Stanford M. Lyman Distinguished Book Award! Jessica Pardee documents and examines the experiences of low-income African American women during Hurricane Katrina to uncover    More >

The Black Academic's Guide to Winning Tenure—Without Losing Your Soul
Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey Laszloffy

For an African American scholar, who may be the lone minority in a department, navigating the tenure minefield can be a particularly harrowing process. Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey    More >

The Black Middle Class: Social Mobility—and Vulnerability
Benjamin P. Bowser

The widespread presence of successful African Americans in virtually all walks of life has led many in the United States to believe that the races are now on an equal footing—and that    More >

The Borders of Race: Patrolling “Multiracial” Identities
Melinda Mills

Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Who is "multiracial"? And who decides? Addressing these two fundamental questions, Melinda Mills builds on the work of Heather Dalmage to    More >

The Young Black Leader’s Guide to a Successful Career in International Affairs: What the Giants Want You to Know
Aaron S. Williams, Taylor A. Jack, and Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff

Young people of color confront a myriad of challenges that deter them from considering, pursuing, and succeeding at careers in international affairs. The authors of The Young Black    More >

Who Is White?: Latinos, Asians, and the New Black/Nonblack Divide
George Yancey

"By the year 2050, whites will be a numerical racial minority, albeit the largest minority, in the United States." This statement, asserts George Yancey, while statistically    More >

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