Republicans and the Black Vote
  • 2007/187 pages

Republicans and the Black Vote

Michael K. Fauntroy
Hardcover: $65.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-470-1
Paperback: $28.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-572-2

The Republican Party once enjoyed nearly unanimous support among African American voters; today, it can hardly maintain a foothold in the black community. Exploring how and why this shift occurred—as well as recent efforts to reverse it—Michael Fauntroy meticulously navigates the policy choices and political strategies that have driven a wedge between the GOP and its formerly stalwart constituents. 

Michael K. Fauntroy is associate professor of policy and government, as well as director of the Race, Politics, and Policy Center, at George Mason University. His publications include Home Rule or House Rule? Congress and the Erosion of Local Governance in the District of Columbia.