
Being Female: The Continuum of Sexualization
Jennifer K. Wesely

It is often said that sex sells, but who pays the price? Jennifer Wesely probes the sources and consequences of sexualization in girls' and women's lives. Offering new insights into    More >

Capitalizing on the Curse: The Business of Menstruation
Elizabeth Arveda Kissling

Although a regular occurrence for millions of women, menstruation is typically represented in US culture as an illness or a shameful episode—to the benefit of an entire industry.    More >

Coming Out: The New Dynamics
Nicholas A. Guittar

Nicholas Guittar draws on deeply personal interviews with young people to enhance our understanding of "coming out," revealing the changing dynamics of sexual identity. Guittar    More >

Feminism & the Female Body: Liberating the Amazon Within
Shirley Castelnuovo and Sharon R. Guthrie

This book is about women’s willingness and desire to empower themselves not just mentally, but also physically—and about helping to transform domination related to gender, race,    More >

Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Sexual Assault: Challenging the Myths
Corina Schulze, Sarah Koon-Magnin, and Valerie Bryan

Winner of the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women & Crime Book Award! The underlying argument of this groundbreaking study is this: Sexual orientation and gender    More >

Hollow Bodies: Institutional Responses to Sex Trafficking in Armenia, Bosnia, and India
Susan Dewey

Susan Dewey draws on her field research in Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and India—where she spoke with actors ranging from bar workers in Bombay to US embassy employees in Armenia to    More >

Liberating Masculinities
Kopano Ratele

Covering a range of topics ranging from clothes to violent death, and from a better sexual life to tradition, and from race and feminism, Liberating Masculinities presents ways to understand    More >

Mothers at Work: Who Opts Out?
Liana Christin Landivar

Though a majority of mothers of young children are employed outside the home, countless articles have been devoted to anecdotes about highly educated women in high-status occupations    More >

Pentecostal Charismatic Women: Constructions of Femininity in Alexandra Township
Tumi Mampane

Drawing on her own experiences, Tumi Mampane provides deep insights into the daily lives of women in a South African Pentecostal community. Equally, she relates those insights to    More >

Policy, Politics, and Gender: Women Gaining Ground
Kathleen Staudt

Here is a book that finally identifies and develops the connections between women's politics and public policies and practices at national and international levels. Kathleen Staudt    More >

Queer People of Color: Connected but Not Comfortable
Angelique Harris, Juan Battle, and Antonio (Jay) Pastrana, Jr.

As individuals who historically have faced multiple forms of oppression, queer people of color often find themselves struggling to "fit in." What impact does this have on their    More >

Race, Gender, and the Labor Market: Inequalities at Work
Robert L. Kaufman

Women and minorities have entered higher-paying occupations, but their overall earnings still lag behind those of white men. Why? Looking nationwide at workers across all employment levels    More >

Sexual Harassment Online: Shaming and Silencing Women in the Digital Age
Tania G. Levey

Women who use social media are often subjected to blatant sexual harassment, facing everything from name calling to threats of violence. Aside from being disturbing, what does this abuse    More >

Sexual Minorities in Sports: Prejudice at Play
Melanie L. Sartore-Baldwin, editor

What does it mean to be gay, lesbian—or anyone else considered a sexual "other"—in the arena of competitive sports? With what consequences? The authors of Sexual    More >

Sexual Violence: Policies, Practices, and Challenges in the United States and Canada
James F. Hodgson and Debra S. Kelley, editors

Have recent US and Canadian reforms changed institutional responses to the crime of rape and the treatment of rape victims? Exploring this issue, the authors present multidisciplinary    More >

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