
Taiwan: The Development of an Asian Tiger
Hans Stockton and Yao-Yuan Yeh, eds.

How did Taiwan transform itself from a "least developed country" into an Asian Tiger? How did it become a successful, multiparty democracy after years of authoritarian rule? Why do    More >

The Changing Currents of Transpacific Integration: China, the TPP, and Beyond
Adrian H. Hearn and Margaret Myers, editors

This comprehensive assessment of transpacific economic integration explores the many ways that new approaches to multilateral cooperation, and notably the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),    More >

The Renegotiation of NAFTA. And China?
Enrique Dussel Peters, editor

After more than a year of negotiations, the differences between NAFTA and the new United States–Mexico–Canada agreement (USMCA) are minor—especially considering the initial    More >

The Rise of China’s Industrial Policy, 1978 to 2020
Barry Naughton

Can China's remarkable, rapid emergence as a large economy and technological power be attributed to specific policies, and more generally to a Chinese program of industrial policy? More    More >

To Build a Free China: A Citizen’s Journey
Xu Zhiyong, translated by Joshua Rosenzweig and Yaxue Cao, with an Introduction by Andrew Nathan

Xu Zhiyong Won the 2020 PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Award! The story of China's rights movement—a struggle for basic human rights and democracy that, despite harsh repression,    More >

Understanding Contemporary China, 5th edition
Robert E. Gamer and Stanley W. Toops, editors

China today bears little resemblance to the country introduced in the first edition of Understanding Contemporary China, published nearly two decades ago. Even in just the past five years,    More >

US Taiwan Strait Policy: The Origins of Strategic Ambiguity
Dean P. Chen

Why did the Truman administration reject a pragmatic approach to the Taiwan Strait conflict—recognizing Beijing and severing ties with Taipei—and instead choose the path of    More >

US-China Nuclear Relations: The Impact of Strategic Triangles
David Santoro, editor

Though China remains a relatively weak nuclear power, it has in recent years become central to US strategic policymaking. What explains this shift? How is the US-China strategic nuclear    More >

Will This Be China’s Century?: A Skeptic’s View
Mel Gurtov

Mel Gurtov takes issue with the widespread view that China is on the way to rivaling or even displacing the United States as the dominant world power. Gurtov identifies serious    More >

Xi Jinping’s China: The Personal and the Political
Stig Stenslie and Marte Kjær Galtung

With steely determination, Xi Jinping has forged his way to absolute power at home, consolidated China's role as a global superpower, and promoted instrumental myths about his life. All    More >

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