US Politics (all books)

The Metrics of Faith: Rethinking Religion's Role in US Politics
Matthew R. Miles

The teachings of most religions typically promote unity and love, yet those same religions often contribute to divisiveness, and even violence, in US politics. Addressing this apparent    More >

Religion and Congress: The Intersection of Faith and Politics
David A. Dulio and Colton C. Campbell, editors

The US Congress has long reflected the intersection of faith and politics, with religious convictions often informing legislative agendas. The authors of Religion and Congress examine that    More >

Electoral Reform in the United States: Proposals for Combating Polarization and Extremism
Larry Diamond, Edward B. Foley, and Richard H. Pildes, editors

In the midst of the political ugliness that has become part of our everyday reality, are there steps that can be taken to counter polarization and extremism—practical steps that are    More >

The Transformation of the Republican Party
Jeffrey M. Stonecash

It is undisputed that the Republican Party has changed dramatically since the 1940s and '50s. But the exact nature of that change—and how it came to be—remain subject to    More >

Chasing Equality: Women’s Rights and US Public Policy
Susan Gluck Mezey and Megan A. Sholar

Despite women's many gains in the political, economic, and social spheres, equality remains elusive—and in some areas, ground is being lost. Why? Why does the pay gap between women    More >

Latino Political Power, 2nd edition
Sharon A. Navarro and Kim Geron

This new, fully revised edition of Latino Political Power reflects a diverse community evolving in its ethnic, racial, and sexual identities, as well as in its voting behavior and party    More >

Outsourcing National Defense: Why and How Private Contractors Are Providing Public Services
Thomas C. Bruneau

Every year, the US Department of Defense allocates more than $400 billion to for-profit firms. Which raises the question: Where does the money go? Thomas Bruneau takes a deep dive into the    More >

US National Security: Policymakers, Processes, and Politics, 6th ed.
John Allen Williams, Stephen J. Cimbala, and Sam C. Sarkesian

Choice Outstanding Academic Book! The main focus of US national security policy has shifted dramatically since the years of the Obama administration, moving away from nation building and    More >

The Affordable Care Act: At the Nexus of Politics and Policy
James M. Brasfield

In the more than a decade since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, questions about the law continue to be vigorously debated. What political dynamics led to its passage? Why has it    More >

Questions of Character: The Presidency of Donald J. Trump
Robert C. Smith

Conversations about Donald Trump often begin with the question: how did he become president? In Questions of Character, Robert Smith provides some compelling answers based on his assessment    More >

The Trickle-Up Economy: How We Take from the Poor and Middle Class and Give to the Rich
Mark Mattern

One of the most durable myths of US political economy is that we take from the rich and give to the poor—penalizing the rich for their hard work and rewarding the undeserving. Mark    More >

The Corruption Debates: Left vs. Right—and Does It Matter—in the Americas
Stephen D. Morris

While there is arguably universal agreement that corruption plagues countries worldwide, do we agree as well on what corruption is and how to fight it? Do the left and right on the political    More >

The Women of 2018: The Pink Wave in the US House Elections ... and Its Legacy in 2020
Barbara Burrell

Avengers. PerSisters. The pink wave. And even badasses. These terms have been used to refer to the unprecedented number of female candidates who ran for elected office in the United States    More >

Nixon’s FBI: Hoover, Watergate, and a Bureau in Crisis
Melissa Graves

Polly Corrigan Book Prize Finalist! In 1974, Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace. In 2020, Donald Trump was impeached. Both were investigated by the FBI, an agency under their control. How    More >

Madam President? Gender and Politics on the Road to the White House
Lori Cox Han and Caroline Heldman, editors

Scholars and pundits alike will continue for years to speculate about why both Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris lost presidential elections to Donald Trump. Their conclusions may differ,    More >

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