Outsourcing National Defense: Why and How Private Contractors Are Providing Public Services
  • 2023/167 pages

Outsourcing National Defense:

Why and How Private Contractors Are Providing Public Services

Thomas C. Bruneau
Hardcover: $90.00
ISBN: 978-1-955055-92-5
Ebook: $90.00
ISBN: 978-1-955055-95-6
Every year, the US Department of Defense allocates more than $400 billion to for-profit firms. Which raises the question: Where does the money go? Thomas Bruneau takes a deep dive into the murky waters of national defense outsourcing to answer that question. Moving beyond the issue of private military contractors, Bruneau investigates the scope, legality, and implications of the private sector's vast involvement in securing the nation.
Thomas C. Bruneau is distinguished professor emeritus of national security affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School.