Security and Intelligence Studies

Nontraditional Security Challenges in Southeast Asia: The Transnational Dimension
Amy L. Freedman and Ann Marie Murphy

With the countries of Southeast Asia increasingly challenged by a plethora of nontraditional security issues—climate change, food and water security, infectious diseases, and migration    More >

North American Regional Security: A Trilateral Framework?
Richard J. Kilroy, Jr., Abelardo Rodríguez Sumano, and Todd S. Hataley

Has the emergence of new transnational threats—terrorism, drug cartels, natural disasters—affected the dynamics of security relations among Canada, Mexico, and the United States?    More >

Old and New Battlespaces: Society, Military Power, and War
Jahara Matisek and Buddhika Jayamaha

War is changing. The cybersphere, civil society, outer space ... all are emerging as domains in which battles are fought. What drives this shift? How is it affecting the character and    More >

Outsourcing National Defense: Why and How Private Contractors Are Providing Public Services
Thomas C. Bruneau

Every year, the US Department of Defense allocates more than $400 billion to for-profit firms. Which raises the question: Where does the money go? Thomas Bruneau takes a deep dive into the    More >

People, States, and Fear, 2nd ed.: An Agenda for International Security in the Post-Cold War Era
Barry Buzan

The second edition of this widely acclaimed book has been fully revised and updated to include: emphasis on economic, societal, and environmental aspects of security completely    More >

Pivotal Poland: Europe's Rising Power
Janusz Bugajski

Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine precipitated a tectonic shift in European security dynamics, ending a relatively peaceful post–Cold War phase and moving the epicenter of    More >

Policing and Politics in Nigeria: A Comprehensive History
Akali Omeni

Close to the center of politics since the nineteenth century, the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) has grown to become the country’s main security agency. Akali Omeni traces the checkered    More >

Prohibiting Chemical and Biological Weapons: Multilateral Regimes and Their Evolution
Alexander Kelle

Whether in the arsenals of states or of terrorist groups, chemical and biological weapons (CBW) are increasingly seen as one of the major threats to global security. Alexander Kelle provides    More >

Rebuilding Arab Defense: US Security Cooperation in the Middle East
Bilal Y. Saab

After decades of US military assistance in the Middle East—providing expensive weapons systems and conducting military exercises—why are the military capabilities of US allies in    More >

Russia’s Military Strategy and Doctrine
Glen E. Howard and Matthew Czekaj, editors

How does Russia fight wars? How are its experiences with modern conflicts shaping the evolution of its military strategy, capabilities, and doctrine? Addressing these questions, the    More >

Russia’s Path to the High-Tech Battlespace
Roger N. McDermott

Roger McDermott traces the origins and trajectory of Moscow's modernization of its armed forces to exploit technology and adopt new approaches to warfare. Drawing extensively on    More >

Securing the Private Sector: Protecting US Industry in Pursuit of National Security
Darren E. Tromblay

As a provider of vital infrastructure and technology, the private sector has become an essential contributor to US national security—and the target of hackers and terrorists. Darren    More >

Security Assistance in the Middle East: Challenges ... and the Need for Change
Hicham Alaoui and Robert Springborg, editors

Why, given the enormous resources spent by the US and Europe on security assistance to Arab countries, has it led to so little success? Can anything be done to change the disheartening    More >

Security Cooperation in Africa: A Reappraisal
Benedikt Franke

In the midst of the atrocities reported in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the seemingly constant strife in the Horn of Africa, and the ongoing violence in Darfur, how do we make sense of    More >

Security in Asia Pacific: The Dynamics of Alignment
Thomas S. Wilkins

The complex security dynamics of the pivotal Asia Pacific region, involving disparate and contentious power blocs, clearly have implications far beyond the region itself. Thomas Wilkins    More >

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