Development Studies

Development and Advocacy: Development in Practice
Deborah Eade, editor, with an introduction by Maria Teresa Diokno-Pascual

Complete book information to come.    More >

Development and Cities
David Westendorff and Deborah Eade, editors

The authors of  Development and Cities focus on the political, social, and economic viability of new or alternative approaches to urban management in the South that aim to increase    More >

Running Out of Control: Dilemmas of Globalization
R. Alan Hedley

Alan Hedley argues that, although for centuries technological innovation allowed humanity to gain increasing control over its fate, the trajectory of that control is now—due to    More >

Social Progress and Sustainable Development
Neil Thin

What are the social dimensions of sustainable development? Why are they important? Can agreement be reached on what constitutes progress? How can progress most effectively be brought about?    More >

The Commercialization of Microfinance: Balancing Business and Development
Deborah Drake and Elisabeth Rhyne, editors

While many microfinance organizations started as NGOs, there is now a growing movement for them to transform into regulated, for-profit entities. Concurrently, commercial banks, credit    More >

Bringing the Food Economy Home: Local Alternatives to Global Agribusiness
Helena Norberg-Hodge, Todd Merrifield, and Steven Gorelick

If the many social, environmental, and economic crises facing the planet are to be reversed, argue the authors of Bringing the Food Economy Home, local food economies must be rebuilt. Their    More >

Shifting Burdens: Gender and Agrarian Change under Neoliberalism
Shahra Razavi, editor

The authors of Shifting Burdens explore the often overlooked gender-related effects of the neoliberal policy shifts in rural development that have reduced the role of government and switched    More >

The Charitable Impulse: NGOs and Development in East and North East Africa
Ondine Barrow and Michael Jennings, editors

Enriching our understanding of the "NGO industry," the authors inform the debate on the relief-to-development continuum and provide historical context for the key issues facing    More >

Project Planning and Analysis for Development
David Potts

In this comprehensive, practical guide to project planning and appraisal in developing countries, David Potts focuses on economic and financial analysis, but also gives serious weight to    More >

Women in Developing Countries: Assessing Strategies for Empowerment
Rekha Datta and Judith Kornberg, editors

For decades, researchers and policymakers have examined the impact of development programs on women—and evidence of sustained gender discrimination has inspired local, national, and    More >

Partnership for International Development: Rhetoric or Results?
Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff

In the search for institutional models that can deliver more and better development outcomes, partnership is arguably among the most popular solutions proposed. But the evidence of    More >

Managing Policy Reform: Concepts and Tools for Decision-Makers in Developing and Transitioning Countries
Derick W. Brinkerhoff and Benjamin L. Crosby

Based on experience in more than 40 countries, this comprehensive, practical guide provides concepts and tools for navigating the effective implementation of policy reforms designed to    More >

Development and Management: Experiences in Value-Based Conflict
Deborah Eade, Tom Hewitt and Hazel Johnson, editors

Complete book information to come.    More >

Going Global: Transforming Relief and Development NGOs
Marc Lindenberg and Coralie Bryant

This is an invaluable resource to anyone studying general nonprofit management issues, as well as those studying the specific challenges of relief and development organizations. Boasting a    More >

Sustainable Livelihoods: Building on the Wealth of the Poor
Kristin Helmore and Naresh Singh

Kristin Helmore and Naresh Singh present the details of the widely tested Participatory Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Livelihoods methodology, or PAPSL, a holistic approach to    More >

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