Development Studies
Solutions to poverty and inequality are often designed, implemented, and evaluated in a top-down manner. The authors of this book turn things around, using a range of research approaches to More >
After Bolivia had received more than $4.7 billion from the US government to support 70 years of development efforts, why would Evo Morales abruptly expel USAID from the country in May 2013? More >
In telling the story of an innovative program based at Iowa State University (ISU), Lorna Michael Butler, Della McMillan, and their colleagues offer practical, step-by-step advice critical More >
This new edition of Women and Development in Africa incorporates the results of more than a decade of new empirical and theoretical research. Michael Kevane provides a broad overview of the More >
The fifth edition of this classic reader retains many of the articles that have made the book a must-assign for classes on development and political economy, but has been updated with 14 new More >
Despite the labyrinthine bureaucracies, frustrating inefficiencies, and disorienting complexities of the "development business," many individuals and groups find their way through More >
In the wake of tremendous growth in the size and scope of their activities, as well as the increased complexity of their programs, how can large international NGOs work effectively—so More >
Manuel Orozco moves beyond the numbers to provide a uniquely comprehensive, historically informed overview and analysis of the complex role of migrant remittances in the global More >
Hunger and obesity sit side by side in the world today—the result, argues A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi, of the growing polarization of global agriculture between the haves and an More >
With tourism lauded throughout Latin America as a sure engine of economic growth, actual performance in the sector has varied to an extreme degree. Kirk Bowman asks why. Why did states More >
Although scholars and practitioners have identified explicit structural impediments that constrain countries' efforts to alleviate poverty and promote sustainable social development, More >
Why, despite some five decades of international development efforts, is poverty still so widespread in Latin America? More specifically, what are the root causes of poverty? How can it be More >
For some three decades, Managing Drug Supply (MDS) has been the leading reference on how to manage essential medicines in developing countries. Now, reflecting some 15 years of dramatic More >
Countering the dominant media narratives of economic stagnation, Zimbabwe Takes Back Its Land offers a more positive and nuanced assessment of the results of the contentious land reforms More >
Richard Ghere provides a comprehensive survey of NGO involvement in a human rights based approach to leadership, organization, management, and performance. Ghere points to how any NGO, More >