Global Corporate Power

Christopher May, editor

Exploring the diverse ways that corporations affect the practices and structures of the global political economy, this innovative work addresses three fundamental questions: How can the corporation be most usefully conceptualized within the field of IPE? Does global governance succeed in constraining the power of multinational corporations? To what extent has the movement for corporate social    More >

Global Corporate Power

Global Europe: The European Union in World Affairs

Christopher Piening

The European Union (EU), though comprised of fifteen separate, sovereign states, is constrained by treaty to act "as one" in key areas. And as trader, investor, aid donor, and most recently, foreign-policy maker, it has come to play, in a very short time, a pivotal role on the world stage. This book offers a succinct summary of all of the EU's external activities—and of the    More >

Global Europe: The European Union in World Affairs

Global Health Policy, Local Realities: The Fallacy of the Level Playing Field

Linda M. Whiteford and Lenore Manderson, editors

International health planners often design programs based on the assumption that recipient nations share the same "level playing field" with regard to conceptions of health, illness, and at-risk populations. This volume challenges that perception, analyzing the outcomes of humanitarian projects that fail to recognize local ethnic and national identities, as well as the tensions between    More >

Global Health Policy, Local Realities: The Fallacy of the Level Playing Field

Global Perspectives: International Relations, U.S. Foreign Policy, and the View from Abroad

David Lai, editor

This innovative text/reader illustrates a range of national and regional perspectives on international relations and U.S. foreign policy. The twenty-eight selections include speeches, essays, and book excerpts, offering opinion and analysis by leading politicians, journalists, and scholars from around the globe. Divided into two parts, the book begins with a survey of contrasting views about the    More >

Global Perspectives: International Relations, U.S. Foreign Policy, and the View from Abroad

Global Politics in the Human Interest, 5th edition

Mel Gurtov

Traditional studies of world politics emphasize the struggle between states as they search for national security. But increasing interdependence has transformed the world political agenda, creating the need for new tools to explain the changing reality of global politics. Global Politics in the Human Interest provides those tools.   This fully revised fifth edition thoroughly covers    More >

Global Politics in the Human Interest, 5th edition

Global Shaping and Its Alternatives

Yildiz Atasoy and William K. Carroll, editors

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Global Shaping and Its Alternatives

Global Transformation and the Third World

Robert O. Slater, Barry M. Schutz, and Steven R. Dorr, editors

Much has been written already about the changed international system of the 1990s, projecting the configuration of a restructured Europe, the future role of the former Soviet republics and the United States, and the emergence of a multipolar world with or without a dominant hegemon. In the search for new structures and explanations, however, it is too often assumed in error that these apply to    More >

Global Transformation and the Third World

Globalization and Agricultural Trade Policy

Hans J. Michelmann, James Rude, Jack Stabler, and Gary Storey, editors

At the outset of a new round of World Trade Organization talks, agricultural issues remain bitterly contested. In this volume, international experts provide fresh insights on topics that agribusinesses, producer organizations, governments, and scholars must respond to as negotiations progress. The authors cogently discuss rapidly evolving environmental policies; state trading enterprises and    More >

Globalization and Agricultural Trade Policy

Globalization and Change in Asia

Dennis A. Rondinelli and John M. Heffron, editors

Globalization and Change in Asia explores three decades of adjustment on the part of governments, civil society, and the private sector to the complex new forces of international competition. Recognizing that the benefits of globalization have not accrued equally to all Asian countries, nor to all stratums of society, the authors seek lessons that can help shape development policy to effect the    More >

Globalization and Change in Asia

Globalization and Inequality: Neoliberalism's Downward Spiral

John Rapley

Has the far-reaching experiment in creating a new world order along neoliberal lines succeeded? John Rapley answers with an emphatic no, contending that the rosy picture painted by neoliberal proponents of globalization was based on false assumptions. True, Rapley acknowledges, neoliberal reforms often have generated economic growth—but at a price. The resulting increase in inequality has    More >

Globalization and Inequality: Neoliberalism's Downward Spiral