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The Social Origins of the Modern Middle East

Haim Gerber

Elaborating on Barrington Moore's theory of the agrarian origins of civilization, Gerber traces the effects of the Ottoman socioagrarian structure on political formation and revolution in the modern Middle East.    More >

The Social Origins of the Modern Middle East

The Sources of Military Change: Culture, Politics, Technology

Theo Farrell and Terry Terriff, editors

In varying circumstances, military organizations around the world are undergoing major restructuring. This book explores why, and how, militaries change. The authors focus on a complex of three influencing factors—cultural norms, politics, and new technology—offering a historical perspective of more than a century. Their analyses range from developing states to Russia, Britain, the    More >

The Sources of Military Change: Culture, Politics, Technology

The South African Informal Sector: Creating Jobs, Reducing Poverty

Frederick Fourie, editor

The outcome of a four-year research project, this collaborative work draws on both quantitative and qualitative evidence to demonstrate the contributions of South Africa's informal sector. The informal sector provides a livelihood for some 2.5 million South Africans—one in every six South Africans who work. Informal enterprises with employees provide about 850,000 paid jobs, almost    More >

The South African Informal Sector: Creating Jobs, Reducing Poverty

The Soviet Union After Brezhnev

Martin McCauley, editor

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The Soviet Union After Brezhnev

The Spaces of Neoliberalism: Land, Place, and Family in Latin America

Jacquelyn Chase, editor

In this exploration of people's responses to neoliberal market reforms in Latin America, the authors reveal the ways that local communities negotiate with market power and state policy in their daily lives. The focus of the book is threefold: the politics of land and land reform, the family as a space of negotiation between men and women in their new roles in labor market participation, and    More >

The Spaces of Neoliberalism: Land, Place, and Family in Latin America

The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism: Toward Global Democracy

Terry Boswell and Christopher Chase-Dunn

At the core of this book is the argument that, though the word "socialism" is widely held in disdain in the current discourse about the world's past and its future, the idea of socialism as collective rationality and popular democracy is far from dead. Boswell and Chase-Dunn describe a spiral of capitalism and socialism—of economic expansion and social progress—that    More >

The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism: Toward Global Democracy

The State in Transition: Reimagining Political Space

Joseph A. Camilleri, Anthony P. Jarvis, and Albert J. Paolini, editors

Until recently, the bounded, territorial, and sovereign state has been the foundation of modern understandings of political space. Now, however, as the patterns of world politics undergo major transformations through the competing processes of global integration and fragmentation, we are faced with the problem of how to conceptualize new and complex relationships. Further, addressing this problem    More >

The State in Transition: Reimagining Political Space

The State of the European Union, Vol. 3: Building a European Polity?

Carolyn Rhodes and Sonia Mazey, editors

With the ratification of the Treaty on European Union (Maastricht) in 1993, a new era in the history of European integration emerged—an era that juxtaposes the principle of subsidiarity with widening membership, and that challenges member states to balance interests of sovereignty with wider European goals. This volume, the third in a biennial series, explores the implications of these    More >

The State of the European Union, Vol. 3: Building a European Polity?

The State of the European Union, Volume 4: Deepening and Widening

Pierre-Henri Laurent and Marc Maresceau, editors

The struggle between those who seek a more integrated, and even a federal, Europe and those proposing a looser confederation was once again highlighted at the 1996-1997 Intergovernmental Conference, and reflected in the IGC’s decisions. This fourth volume in the European Community Studies Association's biennial series examines the divisions within the EU in the key areas of the common    More >

The State of the European Union, Volume 4: Deepening and Widening

The State on the Streets: Police and Politics in Argentina and Brazil

Mercedes S. Hinton

Winner of the British Society of Criminology's Best Book Award! How Latin American governments will respond to popular outcry against unprecedented levels of both corruption and crime ranks among the principal political questions of this decade. The State on the Streets focuses on the tense interplay of police, democracy, state, and civil society in the region, using the cases of Argentina    More >

The State on the Streets: Police and Politics in Argentina and Brazil