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The Politics of English in Puerto Rico’s Public Schools

Jorge R. Schmidt

How have colonial and partisan politics in Puerto Rico affected the language used in public schools? What can we learn from the conflict over the place of English in Puerto Rican society? How has the role of English evolved over time? Addressing these questions, Jorge Schmidt incisively explores the complex relationships among politics, language, and education in Puerto Rico from 1898, when Spain    More >

The Politics of English in Puerto Rico’s Public Schools

The Politics of EU Police Cooperation: Toward a European FBI?

John D. Occhipinti

Will the European Union soon have a policing agency similar to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation? John Occhipinti traces the evolution of the European Police Office (Europol), bringing to life the core themes—e.g., the tension between supranationalism and intergovernmentalism, concerns over the "democratic deficit" in the EU, and the impact of enlargement—in the study    More >

The Politics of EU Police Cooperation: Toward a European FBI?

The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World, 5th edition

Brian Frederking and Paul F. Diehl, editors

Covering decisionmaking processes, peace and security affairs, and economic, social, and humanitarian issues, The Politics of Global Governance helps students of international organizations to understand the major themes, theories, and approaches central to the subject. The fifteen new selections in this fully revised edition reflect an increased emphasis on transnational governance and emerging    More >

The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World, 5th edition

The Politics of Human Rights in Egypt and Jordan

Bosmat Yefet

Why did human rights claims have such a limited impact on the authoritarian status quo in the Middle East prior to the Arab Spring—and why are they so often thwarted now? What factors have shaped human rights debates and outcomes in the region? Addressing these questions, Bosmat Yefet offers a comparative analysis, both empirically grounded and theoretically sophisticated, of the forces    More >

The Politics of Human Rights in Egypt and Jordan

The Politics of Immigrant Workers: Labor Activism and Migration in the World Economy Since 1830, Revised Edition

Camille Guerin-Gonzales and Carl Strikwerda

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The Politics of Immigrant Workers: Labor Activism and Migration in the World Economy Since 1830, Revised Edition

The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion: Jews and Nationalism in Hungary

Vera Ranki, with a foreword by Randolph L. Braham

Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Tracing the social history of Jews in Hungary from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century, Vera Ranki reveals how state policies shifted from encouraging assimilation to institutionalizing anti-Semitism. Her study provides a poignant illustration of the changing politics of nationalism, the failures of inclusion policies, and the role of the political    More >

The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion: Jews and Nationalism in Hungary

The Politics of Memory in Chile: From Pinochet to Bachelet

Cath Collins, Katherine Hite, and Alfredo Joignant, editors

How do individual and collective memories of the repressive Pinochet regime affect the fabric of Chilean politics and society today? How have the politics of memory in Chile—including the official policies and symbolic representations that address the painful violations of the past—evolved over the years since Pinochet's demise? The authors of this important new book provide an    More >

The Politics of Memory in Chile: From Pinochet to Bachelet

The Politics of Neurodiversity: Why Public Policy Matters

Dana Lee Baker

How can society best respond to people with atypical neurological development? Should we concentrate on providing medical care, or on ensuring civil rights? Addressing these questions, Dana Lee Baker offers a provocative analysis of the ways that intersecting agendas—prevention, civil rights, providing specialized care, and celebrating disability culture—compete to make disability    More >

The Politics of Neurodiversity: Why Public Policy Matters

The Politics of Peace-Maintenance

Jarat Chopra, editor

The results of more than fifty years of peacekeeping operations—ranging from diplomatic efforts to so-called peace enforcement (the use of military force)—have made it clear that a new international political capability is required to adequately manage internal conflicts. That capability, peace- maintenance, is introduced and explored in this seminal work. Varying in degree of    More >

The Politics of Peace-Maintenance

The Politics of Privatization: Wealth and Power in Postcommunist Europe

John A. Gould

In this remarkable story of postcommunist politics gone wrong, John Gould explores privatization’s role in the scramble for wealth and power in postcommunist Europe. Gould engages the core debates on privatization. Does democratic development facilitate effective capitalist reform, or vice versa? How do political legacies shape privatization choices? Is simultaneous transition feasible?    More >

The Politics of Privatization: Wealth and Power in Postcommunist Europe