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The Novel and Contemporary Experience in A frica

Shatto Arthur Gakwandi

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The Novel and Contemporary Experience in A frica

The Novels of Alex La Guma: The Representation of a Political Conflict

Kathleen Balutansky

In this fresh look at the troubled, passionate work of an important South African writer and social critic, Balutansky explores Alex La Guma’s five novels in all their dimensions. Balutansky notes La Guma’s belief that, in order to lead a fulfilling existence, an individual must go beyond introspection and adopt a life that is organized around unity, caring, and sharing. She is    More >

The Novels of Alex La Guma: The Representation of a Political Conflict

The Origins of Modern Arabic Fiction, 2nd Edition

Matti Moosa

The first edition of this book, completed in 1970, was hailed as a major contribution to scholarship on the development of Arabic fiction in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In this revised and greatly expanded second edition, Matti Moosa has added five entirely new chapters—one on the popular dialogues of Abd Allah Nadim, and four devoted to twentieth century fiction    More >

The Origins of Modern Arabic Fiction, 2nd Edition

The Origins of the Iranian-American Alliance, 1941-1953

Mark Hamilton Lytle

Understanding US initiatives in Iran from 1941 to 1953 provides insight into much broader areas of American foreign policy: the tension between military and political strategists during World War II, relations with the Soviet Union and Great Britain, the formulation of postwar national security policies, the continuities and discontinuities of diplomacy in three successive presidential    More >

The Origins of the Iranian-American Alliance, 1941-1953

The Other Elites: Women, Politics, and Power in the Executive Branch

MaryAnne Borrelli and Janet M. Martin, editors

The Other Elites features original essays that provide important insights for both presidential studies and the study of women in US politics. The contributors to this innovative book have two purposes: to study the career paths of women within the executive branch of US government, and to consider gender as a variable in the study of complex organizations. Using historical, comparative,    More >

The Other Elites: Women, Politics, and Power in the Executive Branch

The Palestinian People: Seeking Sovereignty and State

Mustafa Kabha

Mustafa Kabha plumbs the complex story of the Palestinian people, from the revolts of 1936-1939 to the present, focusing on their efforts to establish a viable independent state—and the internal factors that have thwarted them. With unparalleled access to primary sources, as well as secondary material in Arabic, Hebrew, and English, Kabha provides an abundance of new information in a    More >

The Palestinian People: Seeking Sovereignty and State

The Palestinian Wedding: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Palestinian Resistance Poetry

edited and translated by A.M. Elmessiri, illustrated by Kamal Boullata

The poems in this powerful bilingual collection range from the rhetorical lyricism of Tawfiq Zayyad to the complex, cosmic imagery of Walid al-Halis, from the romantic idiom of Salma al-Jayyusi to the edgy, convoluted style of Tawfiq Sayigh, all evoking Palestine, the never-forgotten homeland. The rich variety of the work is explored in Abdelwahab Elmessiri's extensive introduction and    More >

The Palestinian Wedding: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Palestinian Resistance Poetry

The Palestinians: In Search of a Just Peace

Cheryl A. Rubenberg

More than ten years after the Oslo Accords were heralded as the first step toward the resolution of a century of conflict, the Palestinians seem further from realizing their aspirations for self-determination than at any time since 1967. What explains the dismal failure of the post-Oslo peace process? What propels the prolonged and devastating upheaval known as the al-Aqsa intifada? Addressing    More >

The Palestinians: In Search of a Just Peace

The Paradox of the Mexican State: Rereading Sovereignty from Independence toNAFTA

Julie A. Erfani

Exploring the contradictory nature of Mexican statehood, Erfani explains how a weak national state became a symbol of great domestic strength and, although failing in its domestic economic endeavors, supported a long and stable political regime. Erfani focuses on the concept of sovereignty as not only a legal status, but also a political myth. She traces the struggles of Mexico's federal    More >

The Paradox of the Mexican State:  Rereading Sovereignty from Independence toNAFTA

The Paradox of Youth Violence

J. William Spencer

Winner of the Midwest Sociological Society Distinguished Book Award, 2013! Is a teenage violent offender a dangerous predator—or a vulnerable innocent that we should rescue from a life of crime? J. William Spencer probes our ambivalent response to youth violence to show how deeply entwined issues of crime, age, race, and class distort our understanding of an important social    More >

The Paradox of Youth Violence