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Armies Without States: The Privatization of Security

Robert Mandel

What does the increasing use of private security forces mean for governments? For individuals? Armies Without States offers a comprehensive analysis of the varieties, causes, and consequences of this growing phenomenon.   Ranging from the international to the subnational level and from the use of mercenaries by private parties to the government outsourcing of military operations, Mandel    More >

Armies Without States: The Privatization of Security

Arms Control and Cooperative Security

Jeffrey A. Larsen and James J. Wirtz, editors

Reflecting the ongoing debate about the value of traditional arms control in today’s security environment, Arms Control and Cooperative Security thoroughly covers this complex topic. The authors critically review the historical record, highlight recent changes in the security arena, and consider the likelihood of new arms control agreements. Throughout, the discussion is presented in the    More >

Arms Control and Cooperative Security

Arms Control at a Crossroads: Renewal or Demise?

Jeffrey A. Larsen and Shane Smith, editors

Is there a role for traditional arms control in today’s increasingly complex security environment? What new concepts and mechanisms are needed to make it valuable as a tool for managing competition and conflict amid the rise of new strategic domains and the spread of new technologies and weapons? Addressing these critical questions, the authors of Arms Control at a Crossroads review the    More >

Arms Control at a Crossroads: Renewal or Demise?

Arms Control Without Negotiation: From the Cold War to the New World Order

Bennett Ramberg, editor

Beginning with Mikhail Gorbachev's December 1988 announcement that Moscow intended to unilaterally reduce its conventional armed forces, the spotlight on arms control has turned away from negotiated treaties toward unilateral reductions, and there have been a number of reciprocal reductions not subject to negotiation. While these initiatives appear novel, this book demonstrates that they are    More >

Arms Control Without Negotiation: From the Cold War to the New World Order

Arms Control: Cooperative Security in a Changing Environment

Jeffrey A. Larsen, editor

More than a decade after the end of the Cold War, the need to control the spread of arms remains clear, while the usefulness of traditional paradigms is increasingly called into question. The authors of Arms Control thoroughly review this complex topic, exploring differing approaches to arms control, successes and failures thus far, and the likelihood of future agreements. Ranging from the U.S.    More >

Arms Control: Cooperative Security in a Changing Environment

Artisans and Fair Trade: Crafting Development

Mary A. Littrell and Marsha A. Dickson

After agriculture and tourism, artisan work provides the next most significant source of income in many developing countries. Yet, there is strong disagreement among both politicians and development professionals as to whether the handicraft sector is worthy of investment—and the debate has been hampered by a lack of industry data. Mary Littrell and Marsha Dickson draw on their eight    More >

Artisans and Fair Trade: Crafting Development

Asia Pacific in World Politics, 3rd edition

Derek McDougall

This new edition of Asia Pacific in World Politics reflects the impact of nearly a decade of significant events and shifts in the region: the escalation of the conflicts between China and the US and China and Taiwan, the changing regional role of Japan, growing numbers of refugees, the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia's increasing prominence, and much more. Updated throughout and designed to    More >

Asia Pacific in World Politics, 3rd edition

Asia's New Regionalism

Ellen L. Frost

As the political drive to establish closer ties among Asian governments continues to gain momentum, there has been much debate about the realities of Asian regionalism. Does the community-building activity in fact signal the birth of "Asia Major"? What are the obstacles to integration? And is integration a positive trend for the region and for external actors? Sifting rhetoric from    More >

Asia's New Regionalism

Asia-Pacific Small States: Political Economies of Resilience

Stephen Noakes and Alexander C. Tan, editors

Both the spread of Covid-19 and the intense US-China rivalry have been sources of stress for national economies throughout Asia Pacific. The authors of Asia-Pacific Small States, eschewing the usual focus on the region's powerhouses, turn their attention instead to the coping strategies of the smaller economies. Showing how these smaller states have been navigating the current turbulent times,    More >

Asia-Pacific Small States: Political Economies of Resilience

Asian American Political Action: Suburban Transformations

James S. Lai

Where are Asian Americans gaining political power in the United States today? And how? Looking beyond traditional conceptions of immigrant political behavior in "gateway" cities, James Lai comprehensively analyzes how Asian Americans are not only winning elected office, but also sustaining representation, in places as diverse as California, Texas, Wisconsin, and Maryland. Lai's    More >

Asian American Political Action: Suburban Transformations