Women and Aging: A Guide to the Literature
  • 1997/259 pages

Women and Aging:

A Guide to the Literature

Helen Rippier Wheeler
Hardcover: $67.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-661-6
More than two thousand bibliographic entries and extensive cross-references make Women and Aging: A Guide to the Literature a valuable resource for anyone interested in women’s studies, gerontology, and related subjects.

A notable feature of the guide is its inclusion of journal articles, book chapters, essays, and doctoral dissertations, as well as complete books. All book entries are annotated. Information regarding specific definitions, the relevance of topics, and related research interests is interspersed throughout.

Each of the thirteen chapters begins with a list of topics covered, followed by the entries themselves organized alphabetically within each topic. An introductory chapter includes a helpful "How-to," while the concluding chapter provides guidance in researching the field.

In-depth subject and author indexes allow the user to identify specific areas of interest quickly and easily.

Helen Rippier Wheeler holds a doctorate in education and masters' degrees in library science and social science (human development). Her numerous publications include Womanhood Media: Current Resources About Women and Getting Published in Women's Studies: An International, Interdisciplinary Professional Development Guide. She is a feminist, a founding member of the Aging and Ageism Caucus of the National Women's Studies Association, and vice president of the Berkeley Commission on Aging.