Taiwan's Security in the Changing International System
  • 1997/250 pages

Taiwan's Security in the Changing International System

Dennis Van Vranken Hickey
Hardcover: $65.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-627-2
One of the most critical tasks facing Taiwan's government in the post-Cold War era is the need to reassess its security environment. In this context, Hickey discusses the island's security concerns, the structure and composition of its armed forces, and its defensive strategy. He also explores the opportunities and challenges for Taipei generated by recent transformations in the international system.

Hickey suggests that, on balance, the end of the Cold War and a conjunction of several long-term trends are combining to enhance Taiwan's security. He cautions, however, that domestic political developments within the People's Republic of China may offset some of the gains generated by systemic changes. These domestic considerations played a paramount role in the perilous deterioration of cross-Strait relations during 1995 and 1996.

Dennis Van Vranken Hickey is professor of political science at Southwest Missouri State University. He is author of U.S.-Taiwan Security Ties: From the Cold War to Beyond Containment.