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Sudan: The Elusive Quest for Peace

Ruth Iyob and Gilbert M. Khadiagala
Sudan: The Elusive Quest for Peace
ISBN: 978-1-58826-350-6
ISBN: 978-1-58826-886-0
2006/224 pages/LC: 2006019110
An International Peace Institute Occasional Paper

"Provides the necessary context for anyone wishing to understand why Sudan’s conflicts have dragged on for so long."—Jok Madut Jok, African Studies Review


The formal division in 2011 of Africa's largest state into two new states—Sudan (the Republic of the Sudan) and South Sudan (the Republic of South Sudan)—was the result of civil strife that had endured for generations. In the years leading up to this resolution, Sudan suffered from the failure of both regional and international actors to effectively come to terms with the scope of the complex issues involved. Sudan: The Elusive Quest for Peace contributes to a fuller understanding of those issues, providing historical and geographical context and exploring the factors that contributed to the conflict from the mid-1950s through 2005.


Ruth Iyob is professor of comparative politics and international relations at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Gilbert M. Khadiagala is Jan Smuts Professor of International Relations at the University of Witswatersand. His numerous publications include Allies in Adversity: The Frontline States in Southern Africa Security and Security Dynamics in Africa's Great Lakes Region.


  • Foreword—Terje Rod-Larsen.
  • Sudan's Quest for Peace: Exploring the Complexities.
  • The Making of Sudanese Policy.
  • The Geography of Conflict.
  • Regional and International Involvement.
  • IGAD Initiatives, 1993-2005.
  • Flashpoint Darfur.
  • The Quest for Peace: Negotiating Between "Old" and "New" Sudan.