Puerto Ricans in the United States: A Contemporary Portrait, 2nd edition
  • 2018/363 pages
  • Latinos/as: Exploring Diversity and Change

Puerto Ricans in the United States:

A Contemporary Portrait, 2nd edition

Edna Acosta-Belén and Carlos E. Santiago
Paperback: $30.00
ISBN: 978-1-62637-675-5
Ebook: $28.50
ISBN: 978-1-62637-757-8
Fully revised and expanded to reflect more than a decade of new developments and data, the second edition of this widely acclaimed book presents an up-to-date, comprehensive portrait of the second largest Latino group in the United States.

Edna Acosta-Belén and Carlos Santiago trace the trajectory of the Puerto Rican experience from the early colonial period, through a series of waves of migration to the US, to current cultural legacies and political and social challenges. Their work is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to understand the history, contributions, and contemporary realities of the ever-growing Puerto Rican diaspora.
Edna Acosta-Belén is Distinguished Professor Emerita and O’Leary Professor at the University at Albany, SUNY. Carlos E. Santiago is commissioner of higher education for the state of Massachusetts; before joining the Department of Education, he was chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and professor in the university's Department of Economics.