Privileged Places: Race, Residence, and the Structure of Opportunity
  • 2006/183 pages

Privileged Places:

Race, Residence, and the Structure of Opportunity

Gregory D. Squires and Charis E. Kubrin
Hardcover: $45.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-449-7
Ebook: $45.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-951-5
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In the United States today, quality of life depends heavily on where one lives—but high levels of racial segregation in residential communities make it frustratingly difficult to disentangle the effects of place from those of race. Gregory Squires and Charis Kubrin tackle these issues head-on, exploring how inequities resulting from the intersection of race and place, coupled with the effects of public policy, permeate and shape structures of opportunity in the United States.
Gregory D. Squires is professor of sociology at George Washington University. His publications include Color and Money: Politics and Prospects for the Community Reinvestment Movement in Urban America and Capital and Communities in Black and White: The Intersections of Race, Class, and Uneven Development. Charis E. Kubrin is associate professor of sociology at George Washington University. She is coeditor of Crime and Society (2nd edition) and has published numerous articles on race and crime.