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Primer in Radical Criminology: Critical Perspectives on Crime, Power, and Identity, 4th edition

Michael J. Lynch and Raymond Michalowski
Primer in Radical Criminology: Critical Perspectives on Crime, Power, and Identity, 4th edition
ISBN: 978-1-881798-64-4
2006/374 pages
A CriminalJusticePress Project

"Lynch and Michalowski's revised primer should be an integral part of the library for all critical criminologists, for all criminologists with an interest in theory, and for anyone who teaches criminology theory courses. It provides among the best and most comprehensive overviews of radical perspectives to date."—Barbara Perry, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice

"A cohesive examination of the broad range of critical criminology."—Russ Immarigeon, Community Corrections Report

"At once accessible and sophisticated, the new Primer in Radical Criminology succeeds in providing insight both to the professional criminologist and to the beginning student."—Francis T. Cullen, University of Cincinnati


This acclaimed textbook insightfully frames the problem of crime in relation to class, race, gender, culture, and history.


Michael J. Lynch is professor of criminology at the University of South Florida. Raymond Michalowski is Arizona Regents Professor of Criminal Justice at Northern Arizona University. In 2006, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Division of Critical Criminology of the American Society of Criminology.


  • What Is Radical Criminology?
  • Marxist Methods and Concepts in Criminology.
  • State and Law: Instrumentalism, Structuralism, and Difference.
  • The Radical Concept of Crime.
  • Radical Theories of Crime Causation: Inequality, Crime, and Context.
  • Radical Theories of Crime Causation: Economic Structure, Identity, and Crime.
  • Radicalizing Orthodox Theories of Crime: Strain, Social Control, and Life Course.
  • The Environment, Crime, and Justice. State Crime and Terrorism.
  • A Radical Perspective on Policing.
  • A Radical Examination of Courts.
  • Punishment and Corrections: A Radical Interpretation.
  • Crime and Justice in the Twenty-First Century.