Polarized Politics: The Impact of Divisiveness in the US Political System
  • 2014/409 pages

Polarized Politics:

The Impact of Divisiveness in the US Political System

William Crotty, editor
Hardcover: $55.00
ISBN: 978-1-62637-167-5
What are the consequences of political polarization in the United States? Are citizens' interests adequately represented when divisive politics are the norm? What ideologies—and entrenched institutions—perpetuate these divisions, and what social groups are most affected? Answering these questions, Polarized Politics is a major contribution to our understanding of the causes, evolution, and impact of the politics of divisiveness in the US.
William Crotty holds the Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. Chair in Public Life and is emeritus professor of political science at Northeastern University. His recent books include The Obama Presidency: Promise and Performance and Winning the Presidency 2012.