My Dog Always Eats First: Homeless People and Their Animals
  • 2013/197 pages

My Dog Always Eats First:

Homeless People and Their Animals

Leslie Irvine
Hardcover: $75.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-888-4
Paperback: $26.50
ISBN: 978-1-62637-390-7
Ebook: $25.00
ISBN: 978-1-62637-524-6
A weary-looking man stands at an intersection, backpack at his feet. Curled up nearby is a mixed-breed dog, unfazed by the passing traffic. The man holds a sign that reads, "Two old dogs need help. God bless." What's happening here?
Leslie Irvine breaks new ground in the study of homelessness by investigating the frequently noticed, yet underexplored, role that animals play in the lives of homeless people. Irvine conducted interviews on street corners, in shelters, at highway underpasses, to provide insights into the benefits and liabilities that animals have for the homeless. She also weighs the perspectives of social service workers, veterinarians, and local communities. Her work provides a new way of looking at both the meaning of animal companionship and the concept of home itself.
Leslie Irvine is professor of sociology at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Her books include If You Tame Me: Understanding Our Connection with Animals and Filling the Ark: Animal Welfare in Disasters.

Also of interest:
Confronting Homelessness: Poverty, Politics, and the Failure of Social Policy by David Wagner with Jennifer Barton Gilman and At Home On The Street: People, Poverty, and a Culture of Homelessness by Jason Adam Wasserman and Jeffrey Michael Clair