Mediation and Governance in Fragile Contexts: Small Steps to Peace
  • 2019/241 pages
  • A Kumarian Press Book

Mediation and Governance in Fragile Contexts:

Small Steps to Peace

Dekha Ibrahim Abdi and Simon J. A. Mason
Paperback: $25.00
ISBN: 978-1-62637-776-9
Ebook: $25.00
ISBN: 978-1-62637-787-5
The result of a long collaboration between a Kenyan-Somali mediator and a Swiss scholar-practitioner, Mediation and Governance in Fragile Contexts introduces an innovative, practical approach to resolving an enduring issue: How can conflicts be resolved in polarized societies?

This approach breaks out of the insider/outsider dichotomy to develop a framework for achieving peace in the most challenging of contexts—a framework that unites outsider perspectives on mediation methodology with the rich experiences and reflections that only local peace practitioners can provide. The authors lay out the framework step by step, present case studies that show it in action, and clarify how local peace and security structures can act as a bridge between short-term mediation and long-term state-building efforts around the world.

Click here to explore more resources related to the book, including interviews and supportive documents, provided by coauthor Simon Mason.
Dekha Ibrahim Abdi’s path took her from teaching at a rural Kenyan school to being renowned as a global peacemaker. In 2007, she received the Right Livelihood Award (often referred to as the Alternative Nobel Prize), which honors "those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today." Simon J. A. Mason is senior researcher and head of the Mediation Support Team at the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich.