- 2005/255 pages
- Also of interest: US Taiwan Strait Policy by Dean P. Chen
Making China Policy:
From Nixon to G.W. Bush
Hardcover: $58.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-360-5
Paperback: $25.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-385-8
What explains the twists and turns in US-China relations since Richard Nixon initiated a policy of engagement in the early 1970s? Addressing this question, Jean Garrison examines the politics behind US China policy across six administrations from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush.
Garrison finds that a focus on the internal decisionmaking process is key to understanding both continuity and change in more than three decades of US-China relations. Incorporating interactions at the levels of strategic context, presidential beliefs and leadership style, and bureaucratic politics, she constructs a comprehensive explanation of how China policy was formed in each administration. Her thorough—and engaging—account sheds new light on US foreign policy making in general, as well as on Washington's China policy.