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Intelligence Communities and Cultures in Asia and the Middle East: A Comprehensive Reference

Bob de Graaff, editor
Intelligence Communities and Cultures in Asia and the Middle East: A Comprehensive Reference
ISBN: 978-1-62637-889-6
ISBN: 978-1-62637-895-7
2020/505 pages/LC: 2020002115
"An invaluable piece of literature for students of intelligence studies and cognate disciplines." —Aidan Parkes, Journal of Asian Security & International Affairs

"A highly recommended reference text for understanding the characteristics of intelligence in about two dozen Asian countries. The editor succeeded in compiling many different pieces in English about countries that are largely absent from intelligence studies research." —Ryan Shaffer, Intelligence and National Security

"This richly detailed book fills a void in the literature on intelligence communities around the world."—William C. Spracher, National Intelligence University


How are intelligence systems structured in countries across Asia and the Middle East—from Russia to India, from Turkey to China and Japan, from Kazakhstan to Saudi Arabia? In what ways did decolonization and the Cold War influence their organization? What is their mission, and to what extent do they come under public scrutiny?

The authors of this comprehensive reference delve into these questions, and more, to provide a unique, systematic survey of intelligence practices and cultures in 22 countries.


Bob de Graaff is professor of intelligence and security studies at the University of Utrecht.


  • Intelligence Communities in Asia—B. de Graaff.
  • Afghanistan—D. Patang.
  • Bangladesh—A.S.M. Ali Ashraf.
  • China—X. Guo.
  • India—P. Mahadevan.
  • Iran—C.A. Wege.
  • Iraq—I. al-Marashi.
  • Israel—E. Kahana.
  • Japan—Y. Kobayashi.
  • Jordan—H. Al Jbour
  • Kazakhstan—F. Kovacevic.
  • Myanmar—A. Selth.
  • North Korea—S. Blancke.
  • Pakistan—K. Mukherjee.
  • Palestine—A. Tartir.
  • Russia—A. Kozovoï.
  • Saudi Arabia—C.M. Davidson.
  • South Korea—D.-A. Neuhaus.
  • Sri Lanka—V.K. Shashikumar.
  • Syria—F. Peil.
  • Taiwan—J. Rosenke.
  • Tajikistan—A. Matveeva.
  • Turkey—I. Yilmaz.
  • Yemen—A. Chimente.
  • Elements of an Asian Intelligence Culture—B. de Graaff.