Constituting International Political Economy
  • 1997/253 pages
  • International Political Economy Yearbook, Volume 10

Constituting International Political Economy

Kurt Burch and Robert A. Denemark, editors
Hardcover: $55.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-660-9

International political economy is both a discipline and a set of global practices and conditions. This volume explores how the two are related, illustrating the changing character of the global political economy, as well as changing perspectives on that character.

The authors first consider how social issues, policy concerns, and philosophical judgments help constitute IPE both as a worldview and as a discipline. A central theme here is the reciprocal creation of the discipline and the social practices said to comprise it.

Subsequent chapters illustrate the incongruence between the nature of the social world as alleged in IPE's premises—which often distortedly frame issues—and the alternative characterizations available from other social groups, behaviors, and approaches. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the tensions between "conventional" and "alternative" framings of the international political economy, raising questions about the nature, consequences, and insights of diverse approaches to IPE.

David Denemark is professor of international relations at the University of Delaware. Kurt Burch is retired professor of political science and an independent consultant.