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Challenges to the Humanities

Chester E. Finn Jr. Diane Ravitch, and P. Holley Roberts
Challenges to the Humanities
ISBN: 978-08419-1017-1
ISBN: 978-08419-1018-8
1985/223 pages
Distributed for Holmes & Meier Publishers

"The great strength to this volume of essays is that virtually every contributor grapples with at least one, and usually three or four prickly, explosive questions [concerning the place of the humanities in American education]. There is a startling harmony of argument and analysis, though they enter the debate from different fields and from different professional vantage points."—College Teaching


This provocative volume explores themes that were highlighted in Chester Finn's and Diane Ravitch's earlier work (with coauthor Robert Fancher) Against Mediocrity. It elucidates and responds to concerns that underlie current challenges to the humanities, including public apathy, vocationalism, inadequate teacher training, the trendiness of computer study, and the readily determinable applications of education in the hard sciences. Distinguished scholars and educators explain why these and other challenges have emerged, how they are perpetuated, and how commitment to teaching the humanities can be rethought. Their spirited and purposeful discussion consistently finds sound humanities teaching associated with an overall rise in educational quality.