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Against Mediocrity: The Humanities in America's High Schools

Chester E. Finn Jr., Diane Ravitch, and Robert T. Fancher
Against Mediocrity: The Humanities in America's High Schools
ISBN: 978-08419-0944-1
ISBN: 978-084190-945-8
1984/325 pages
Distributed for Holmes & Meier Publishers

"The book's purpose—its very title—calls for excellence and decries mediocrity. It reminds us that as technology becomes ascendat, humans and their humanities will be more vital than ever."—Washington Post Book World

"If you could only read one of the host of recent books and studies printed...on education reform, Against Mediocrity would be the one you should choose."—Christian Science Monitor

"This is must reading for teachers of the humanities, those who prepare these teachers, and those who supervise them."—Choice

"The essays in Against Mediocrity are excellent...and several of them are deeply moving."—New York Times Book Review


Against Mediocrity starts from, and argues vigorously for, the belief that the education of every American child must be founded on the humanistic disciplines. In sixteen essays, leading scholars, educators, and school policymakers eloquently assess the current condition of the humanities in the secondary schools, analyze how this state of affairs developed and what the humanities ought to be accomplishing, not only for individual students, but for society as a whole.