A Lonely Woman: Forugh Farrokhzad and Her Poetry
  • 1985/182 pages
  • A Three Continents Book

A Lonely Woman:

Forugh Farrokhzad and Her Poetry

Michael C. Hillmann
Paperback: $19.95
ISBN: 978-0-89410-544-9
A sensitive study of a great poet, one of only a handful of women who gained renown during the past 2,500 years of Persian history. During her life in post-Moseddeq, pre-Khomeini Iran, Farrokhzad (1935–1967) demonstrated a unique tenacity in striving for artistic freedom and individuality. Hillmann borrows freely from Farrokhzad's poetry and letters to weave a complex tapestry of the poet's life and times.
Michael C. Hillmann is professor of Persian at the University of Texas at Austin. He has written widely about Iranian culture and art.