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Freedom From Want: The Remarkable Success Story of BRAC, the Global Grassroots Organization That’s Winning the Fight Against Poverty

Ian Smillie
Freedom From Want traces the evolution of BRAC from it beginnings as a small relief operation in Bangladesh into what is arguably the largest and most successful social experiment in the developing world. Ranging from distant villages in Bangladesh to New York's financial district, from war-torn Afghanistan to the plains of eastern Africa, Ian Smillie's book—part adventure story,  More >

French Cities in the Nineteenth Century: Class, Power, and Urbanization

John M. Merriman, editor

From Cape to Congo: Southern Africa's Evolving Security Challenges

Mwesiga Baregu and Christopher Landsberg, editors
From the ongoing war in Angola, to sporadic instability in Zimbabwe and Lesotho, to the conflict in Congo, to issues of land reform and the ravages of AIDS, southern Africa faces varied and complex threats to its peace and security. The authors of From Cape to Congo assess the region's major security challenges, as well as the roles of local, regional, and external actors in managing them.  More >

From Dictatorship to Democracy: Rebuilding Political Consensus in Chile

Joseph S. Tulchin and Augusto Varas, editors
Representing one of the first efforts to evaluate the transition to democracy in Chile, this book is the fruit of a meeting of key participants in the extraordinary effort at political convergence that made possible the victory over Pinochet in the Chilean plebiscite and the subsequent election of Patricio Alwyn to the presidency. The authors show how the various segments of Chilean politics  More >

From Herzl to Rabin: The Changing Image of Zionism

Amnon Rubinstein
Amnon Rubinstein traces the history of the Israeli state, and of Zionism, moving deftly between the roles of objective historian and persuasive politician.  More >

From Nuclear Weapons to Global Security: 75 Years of Research and Development at Sandia National Laboratories

Justin Quinn Olmstead and Leland Johnson
Sandia National Laboratories is one of the primary providers of the science, technology, and engineering capabilities needed to ensure both US and global security. Its mandate has moved far beyond its original weapons-centered mission—the development of nuclear weapons—and now encompasses complex economic, energy, environmental, and nonproliferation issues. From Nuclear Weapons to  More >

From Opposition to Power: Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party

Shelley Rigger
On March 18, 2000, Taiwan's voters stunned the world by choosing Chen Shui-bian, the candidate of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), to be their president. A host of new issues quickly became the subject of debate. What is the DPP? Where did it come from and what does it stand for? How will it use its newly won power? Will it risk war with mainland China in pursuit of  More >

From Party Politics to Militarism in Japan, 1924–1941

Kitaoka Shinichi
The years in Japan between June 1924, when a coalition cabinet of three political parties was established, and December 1941, when the country declared war on the United States and Britain, were characterized first by nearly a decade of domestic and international cooperation—and then a period of oppressive militarism. Kitaoka Shinichi captures the essence of these years in Japan's  More >

From Political Won't to Political Will: Building Support for Participatory Governance

Carmen Malena, editor
Citizens in both the North and the South lack opportunities, rights, and access to information and have expressed growing disillusionment with their governments. Ordinary citizens (especially women, poor people and other marginalized groups) are largely excluded from the political processes that directly affect their lives. There is now growing consensus that good governance is participatory  More >

From Promise to Practice: Strengthening UN Capacities for the Prevention of Violent Conflict

Chandra Lekha Sriram and Karin Wermester, editors
How can the United Nations, regional and subregional organizations, government donors, and other policymakers best apply the tools of conflict prevention to the wide range of intrastate conflict situations actually found in the field? The detailed case studies and analytical chapters in From Promise to Practice offer operational lessons for fashioning strategy and tactics to meet the challenges of  More >
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