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Driven by Drugs: US Policy Toward Colombia, 2nd Edition

Russell Crandall
In the years since the first edition of Driven by Drugs was published, there have been dramatic changes in US policy toward Colombia, as well as in domestic Colombian politics. This new edition traces developments in both arenas, bringing the story current through the administrations of George W. Bush and Álvaro Uribe.   More >

Driving Down the Cost of Drugs: Battling Big Pharma in the Statehouse

Ramón Castellblanch
How can health-access advocates beat the wealthy pharmaceutical industry, which has the biggest spending lobby in Washington? Ramón Castellblanch provides a ringside seat at the battle as he reveals how activists in Vermont, Maine, and California took on Big Pharma in their state legislatures to promote better and cheaper access to prescription drugs—and ultimately pushed Congress to  More >

Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System

Deborah Koetzle and Shelley Johnson Listwan, editors
Drug courts—a rare success story in the criminal justice system—are generally credited with reducing recidivism and providing a lower-cost alternative to incarceration. They have also spawned the development of other specialty courts. The authors of Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System provide a comprehensive analysis of just how drug courts work, systematically examining the  More >

Drugs and Democracy in Latin America: The Impact of U.S. Policy

Coletta A. Youngers and Eileen Rosin, editors
Although the US has spent more than $25 billion on international drug-control programs over the last two decades, it has failed to reduce the supply of cocaine and heroin entering the country. It has, however, succeeded in generating widespread, often profoundly damaging, consequences, most notably in Latin America and the Caribbean. The authors of Drugs and Democracy in Latin America offer a  More >

Dual Disasters: Humanitarian Aid After the 2004 Tsunami

Jennifer Hyndman
What happens when a humanitarian crisis with political roots interacts with a humanitarian crisis induced by environmental disaster? That is the question at the core of Dual Disasters. Focusing on Sri Lanka and Indonesia, countries that were dealing with complex upheavals long before the 2004 tsunami struck, Jennifer Hyndman shows how the storm shifted the goals of international aid, altered  More >

Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan: The Ma Ying-jeou Years

Kharis Templeman, Yun-han Chu, and Larry Diamond, editors
During the Ma Ying-jeou presidency in Taiwan (2008–2016), confrontations over relations with mainland China stressed the country’s institutions, leading to a political crisis. Nevertheless, its democracy proved to be resilient. The authors of Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan explore key aspects of the complicated Ma era, including party politics and elections, the sources of Ma's  More >

Early Nigerian Literature

Bernth Lindfors

East Africa and the Horn: Confronting Challenges to Good Governance

Dorina A. Bekoe, editor
Both the obstacles to governance and the opportunities for democratization confronted in East Africa—with its geostrategic importance, porous borders, governments heavily dependent on foreign aid, and some of Africa's longest running conflicts—provide valuable insights into how good governance policies can be implemented effectively throughout the developing world. East Africa and  More >

Economic Cooperation in Africa: In Search of Direction

Ahmad A.H.M. Aly
Regionalism, Ahmad Aly argues persuasively, is the most appropriate strategy for the achievement of autonomous, self-sustained development in Africa. Aly traces the causes of the failures thus far of attempts at economic cooperation on the continent, citing in particular the adoption of inappropriate integration schemes, the multiplicity of overlapping arrangements, the dominance of politics,  More >

Economic Crisis and State Reform in Brazil: Toward a New Interpretation of Latin America

Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! This is a book about the economic crisis that took hold of Brazil and the rest of Latin America in the 1980s, its political consequences, and the economic reforms that were begun in the mid-'80s, but that remain incomplete a decade later. From his vantage point as both an academic economist and a political insider, Bresser Pereira explains  More >
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