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Women Farmers and Commercial Ventures: Increasing Food Security in Developing Countries

Anita Spring, editor
Women around the world are entering commercial agriculture—and often succeeding—despite development policies designed to exclude them. In this comparative volume, case studies reveal that farm women in Africa, Asia, and Latin America are rapidly becoming more than “subsistence producers. The authors explore the societal and domestic changes brought about as women move from  More >

Women in African Parliaments

Gretchen Bauer and Hannah E. Britton, editors
Working together across religious, ethnic, and class divisions, African women are helping to formulate legislation and foster democracies more inclusive of womens' interests. Women in African Parliaments explores this phenomenon, examining the impact and experiences of African women as they seek increased representation in national legislatures. The authors' carefully constructed case  More >

Women in Alcoholics Anonymous: Recovery and Empowerment

Jolene M. Sanders
Can a recovery program like Alcoholics Anonymous inadvertently discourage women from seeking treatment? Are there ways that it can more effectively contribute to their sobriety? Combining individual personal narratives with statistical data, Jolene Sanders offers valuable insight into how women adapt the twelve-step program and interact with the masculine culture of AA in ways that allow them to  More >

Women in Developing Countries: Assessing Strategies for Empowerment

Rekha Datta and Judith Kornberg, editors
For decades, researchers and policymakers have examined the impact of development programs on women—and evidence of sustained gender discrimination has inspired local, national, and international policy reforms. But has the empowerment movement increased women's control of resources? Has it had the desired effect on gender relations traditionally defined by patriarchal ideology and  More >

Women in Iraq: The Gender Impact of International Sanctions

Yasmin Husein Al-Jawaheri
Yasmin Husein Al-Jawaheri argues that the explosion of violence against Iraqi women since the removal of Saddam Hussein should not have taken people by surprise. The deterioration of gender relations was in fact, as she vividly demonstrates, a direct result of a decade of international economic sanctions. Al-Jawaheri explores the gender-related impact of those sanctions in the areas of  More >

Women in Muslim Societies: Diversity Within Unity

Herbert L. Bodman and Nayereh Tohidi, editors
Study after study of women in the Muslim world has focused primarily on Middle Eastern societies, usually emphasizing the sexual ideology of a reified Islam. This book rounds out that view, exploring the status, roles, and contributions of Muslim women not only in the Middle East, but also in Africa and Asia, including post-Soviet Central Asia. The authors, many of them from the countries they  More >

Women in Prison: Gender and Social Control

Barbara H. Zaitzow and Jim Thomas, editors
It is old news that the conditions and policies of women's prisons are different from those of incarcerated men. Less evident, however, is how gender differences shape those policies, and how gender identity and roles shape women's adaptation and resistance to prison culture and control. Women in Prison explores how the gender-based attitudes that women bring to prison frame how they  More >

Women Writers Talking

Janet Todd, editor
Fifteen important women writers, interviewed by critics and scholars well-acquainted with their work and thought, are the subjects of this fascinating volume. The interviews are revealing discussions of the individual writers' opinions, their backgrounds, and the people and events that influenced their personal and artistic development. Among the authors included are Maya Angelou, A.S.  More >

Women's Rights to House and Land: China, Laos, and Vietnam

Irene Tinker and Gale Summerfield, editors
Gender disparities frequently accompany rapid socioeconomic change, as cultural traditions that protected women—even as they constrained them—collapse in the face of development reforms. This collaborative volume, involving both Asian and U.S. scholars, explores the impact of changes in women’s rights to housing and land in three socialist countries that are moving toward market  More >

Women's Voice in Latin American Literature

Naomi Lindstrom
Women’s Voice is a detailed study of Clarice Lispector’s Laços de família, Rosario Castellanos’s Oficio de tinieblas, Marta Lynch’s La señora Ordóñez, and Silvina Bullrich’s Mañana digo basta. In deciding to focus on these, Lindstrom chose, from a wealth of literature, the authors that she felt not only express women’s  More >
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