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The Geopolitics of Hunger, 2000-2001: Hunger and Power

Action Against Hunger
On the Humanitarian Times List of Top Ten Books of 2000! Widespread hunger continues to exist at the turn of the century, despite the efforts of scores of international relief organizations. Why? The authors of The Geopolitics of Hunger, 2000-2001 draw on both research and their first-hand experience to explore the use of hunger as a weapon in food crises around the world. They also discuss  More >

The Global Economy as Political Space

Stephen J. Rosow, Naeem Inayatullah, and Mark Rupert, editors
As contemporary capitalism integrates the planet to an unprecedented extent, the international political economy defines and constitutes new forces, practices, and movements. Not only are power centers shifting away from Cold War poles, but also the spatial and temporal frames of social life, both domestic and international, are reorganizing. Addressing these transformations, the authors of this  More >

The Global Politics of AIDS

Paul G. Harris and Patricia D. Siplon, editors
With more than 40 million people living with HIV/AIDS—and more than 25 million dead from related diseases since the early 1980s—the need to understand the causes and impact of the pandemic is manifest. In response, The Global Politics of AIDS explores power and politics at multiple levels, ranging from individual behavior to corporate boardrooms to international institutions and  More >

The Golden Fleece: Manipulation and Independence in Humanitarian Action

Antonio Donini, editor
A Global Observatory Must-Read Book in Peace and Security! The authors of this book take a long view—starting with the origins of organized humanitarianism in the mid-nineteenth century—to examine whether the politicization of aid has achieved its desired objectives, and whether the recent dramatic growth of relief work has made humanitarian efforts vulnerable to greater  More >

The Golden Phoenix: Seven Contemporary Korean Short Stories

Suh Ji-moon, translator and editor
These seven stories, dramatic and thought-provoking, provide a compelling picture of Korean life in the 1940s–1990s. Family and community ties, respect for tradition, survival in the face of repeated national disasters and wrenching social upheaval—these are among the themes evoked in the collection. The narratives make palpable the lives and emotions of characters from many differing  More >

The Great Powers in the Middle East, 1919-1939

Uriel Dann, editor
Perhaps the most critical period in the development of modern Middle Eastern politics occurred between the two world wars. Britain and France vied for influence and control in the region by making conflicting promises to the leaders of emergent Arab nationalism as well as to those bent on building a Jewish national home in Palestine. With the rise of Hitler, the area took on increased strategic  More >

The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community

David C. Korten
In his classic When Corporations Rule the World, David Korten focused on the destructive nature of the global corporate economy and helped to spark a worldwide resistance movement. Now, in The Great Turning, he goes further to argue that the corporate consolidation of power is but one manifestation of what he calls "Empire": the organization of society through hierarchy and violence that  More >

The Growing Importance of Belarus on NATO’s Eastern Flank

Glen E. Howard and Matthew Czekaj, editors
The widely misunderstood country of Belarus, squeezed both literally and geopolitically between Russia and the West, was typically overlooked by post–Cold War military planners—until Russia's first invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Now, with Russia's latest offensive in Ukraine, Belarus's geostrategic importance to NATO and the surrounding region is more in the spotlight than  More >

The Heritage of Islam: Women, Religion, and Politics in West Africa

Barbara Callaway and Lucy Creevey
Callaway and Creevey explore the impact of Islam on the lives of West African women, particularly (but not exclusively) in Nigeria and Senegal. Focusing on whether Islam acts as a barrier to women in the process of social change and development, they address a series of important questions: Is the pattern of training and education different for Muslim and non-Muslim girls? Comparatively, what is  More >

The Hidden Assembly Line: Gender Dynamics of Subcontracted Work in a Global Economy

Radhika Balakrishnan, editor
The Hidden Assembly Line demonstrates how the impact of current global economic trends—changing production patterns, dictated by multinational corporations and IMF-influenced macroeconomic policies—form the economic reality of many women workers in Asia. Presenting case studies from India, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka, the contributors analyze household-level changes in  More >
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