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Singular Stories: Tales from Singapore

Robert Yeo, editor
At the beginning of the 1980s, Singapore’s public relied largely on a literary diet of traditional British and North American authors. By 1990, however, books by Singaporeans were rapidly replacing imports on the bestseller lists and in the review columns. Singular Stories exemplifies the range of the new Singaporean prose. The pieces in this diverse collection explore the conflict between  More >

Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies, 2nd edition

Ronald V. Clarke, editor

Situational Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse

Richard Wortley and Stephen Smallbone
What practical steps can reduce child abuse? The authors of this provocative work argue that child sex offending is strongly influenced by opportunities to offend, and that analyzing the environmental contexts of offending may offer new insights into preventing the behavior.  More >

Six Days [a novel]

Halim Barakat, translated by Bassam Frangieh and Scott McGehee
Prophetically named for a real war yet to come, Six Days depicts the struggle of a fictional city under siege. Barakat tells the story of shy lovers, friends, increasing fear and anger, and finally the terror of war. The people of Dayr Albahr are confronted with an ultimatum: surrender or be destroyed. They choose to resist, knowing that they face inevitable defeat, but sustained by a  More >

Small Armies, Big Cities: Rethinking Urban Warfare

Louise A. Tumchewics, editor
"Avoid cities or die within" has been the prevailing attitude in the military when it comes to waging war in urban areas. So why do armies continue to fight there? What tactical advantages do they seek? What pitfalls do they face, and how can they achieve success? The authors of Small Armies, Big Cities tackle these strategic questions, drawing on a range of cases to explore how  More >

Small Nations, Giant Firms

Louis W. Goodman
Transnational corporations, today's giant firms, have assets in virtually all of the world's developing nations, yet these assets account for only a small share o the firms' economic activities. As a result, decisions that often have enormous consequences for the small nations involved may be of only marginal importance to corporate managers. Louis W. Goodman addresses this  More >

Small States in World Politics: Explaining Foreign Policy Behavior

Jeanne A.K. Hey, editor
Have the changes of the past decade made this an easier or a more difficult world for small states as they pursue their foreign policy goals? To understand the foreign policies of small states, are new explanatory factors needed? Does the concept of the “small state” still have utility at all? Small States in World Politics addresses these questions, deftly analyzing the impact of new  More >

Smart Aid for African Development

Richard Joseph and Alexandra Gillies, editors
Despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent on foreign aid to sub-Saharan Africa, a sure path to growth and development has not yet been found—and each new heralded approach has crumbled amid regrets and recriminations. The authors of Smart Aid for African Development provide critical assessments of the main components of foreign assistance, considering how smarter use can be made of  More >

Snakes in Paradise: NGOs and the Aid Industry in Africa

Hans Holmén
Beginning in the 1980s, sub-Saharan Africa witnessed a veritable explosion of NGOs and CSOs engaged in efforts to develop the subcontinent. Often praised for their commitment, flexibility, close contact with grassroots movements and marginalized groups, these organizations have become the darlings of donors and the UN system. During the same period, however, rural Africa has sunk deeper into  More >

Snowfields: The War on Cocaine in the Andes

Clare Hargreaves
Unlike previous books on the cocaine trade, which examine the problem through Western eyes, Snowfields looks at the drug business through the eyes of the main players in Bolivia, where the white powder is made. In this compelling account, Clare Hargreaves draws from scores of interviews with drug barons who rule over vast empires, dirt-poor coca farms, addicts, traffickers, the military,  More >
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