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Latin America's Economic Development: Confronting Crisis, 2nd Edition

James L. Dietz, editor
This revised edition of Latin America's Economic Development continues to provide a heterodox perspective on Latin America's economic problems, with institutional and neostructuralist views dominating. The selections richly convey that there are viable alternatives to the neoliberal approach dominating so much of policymaking, as well as academic debate, since the 1980s. The book  More >

Latin America, China, and Great Power Competition: New Triangular Relationships

Enrique Dussel Peters
The emergence of Latin America and the Caribbean as an arena for US-China competition raises a number of important questions: What are China’s goals in LAC? Is its presence there a good thing for the region? What challenges does it create? How is the US responding? Enrique Dussel Peters responds to these questions from a fresh perspective, exploring the dynamics of new triangular  More >

Latin America: Perspectives on a Region

Jack W. Hopkins, editor
In the years since its original publication, Latin America: Perspectives on a Region has gained recognition as a well-written, comprehensive introductory text with an interdisciplinary approach to a politically volatile, culturally rich area. The six chapters in the book's first two sections lay a historical groundwork, covering environmental and social systems, pre-Colombian cultures and  More >

Latin America’s Left Turns: Politics, Policies, and Trajectories of Change

Maxwell A. Cameron and Eric Hershberg, editors
This accessible look at Latin American politics explores how—and to what effect—diverse forces on the left have not only captured the imagination of vast swathes of the continent’s population, but also taken hold of the reins of government. The authors assess the multiple currents of Latin America's left turns, considering their origins, their relationships to political  More >

Latin American and Caribbean Overseas Foreign Direct Investment in China in the Twenty-First Century

Enrique Dussel Peters, editor
While overseas direct investment from China has been studied widely, OFDI to China has been largely ignored. Contributors to this volume pivot the conversation to examine macroeconomic and historical features of investment flows to China from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and a range of Caribbean and Central American countries, framing each case study within wider bilateral socioeconomic  More >

Latino Political Power, 2nd edition

Sharon A. Navarro and Kim Geron
This new, fully revised edition of Latino Political Power reflects a diverse community evolving in its ethnic, racial, and sexual identities, as well as in its voting behavior and party affiliations. Sharon Navarro and Kim Geron map the transformation of Latino political power from the 1960s to the present. Comprehensive and accessible, their analysis of the complex processes of political  More >

Launching into Cyberspace: Internet Development and Politics in Five World Regions

Marcus Franda
Launching into Cyberspace explores the Internet as an increasingly important variable in the study of comparative politics and international relations. Focusing on Africa, the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, China, and India, Franda examines the extent to which Internet development has (or has not) taken place and the relationship between that development and the conduct of  More >

Lauretta Ngcobo: Writing as the Practice of Freedom

Barbara Boswell, editor
When Lauretta Ngcobo died in 2015, Africa lost a significant literary talent, freedom fighter, and feminist voice. Ngcobo was one of the pioneering writers who first published novels in English from the vantage point of black women. Along with Bessie Head and Miriam Tlali, she showed the world, through her fiction, what it was like to be a black woman in apartheid South Africa. Barbara Boswell  More >

Law and Election Politics: The Rules of the Game

Matthew J. Streb, editor
How much money can a candidate for political office legally collect, and from what sources? What can and can't be said in campaign ads? Who determines the process of redistricting, and what is the overall effect on U.S. democracy? Law and Election Politics analyzes the rules of the electoral game, helping readers to understand how politics influences and is influenced by electoral laws and  More >

Leadership for Development: What Globalization Demands of Leaders Fighting for Change

Dennis A. Rondinelli and John M. Heffron
Leadership for Development examines fundamental issues: the tools leaders use to achieve development goals; how culture and interdependence among governments and organizations affects leadership styles; where leaders get their advice from – experts, non-experts, academic or non-academic elites—and if it matters; whether transformational or transactional leadership styles are more  More >
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