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For the Love of God: NGOs and Religious Identity in a Violent World

Shawn Teresa Flanigan
Shawn Teresa Flanigan looks at the role of faith-based nonprofit organizations (FBOs) in the context of international development to explore the ways that history and religious identity have influenced their work.  More >

Forced Labor: Coercion and Exploitation in the Private Economy

Beate Andrees and Patrick Belser, editors
Two centuries after the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, at least 12.3 million people are subjected to modern forms of forced labor—in rich countries, as well as poor ones. The authors of Forced Labor present state-of-the art research on the manifestations of these slavery-like practices, why they continue to survive, and how they can be eliminated. Their conceptually rich  More >

Forced Out: Older Workers Confront Job Loss

Kenneth A. Root and Rosemarie J. Park
What happens to long-term employees when their jobs are unexpectedly eliminated? In this richly detailed study of a major layoff and its aftermath, Kenneth Root and Rosemarie Park address head-on the ramifications of job loss for older workers. The authors follow the experiences of 173 factory workers—from first thoughts on being forced out of work to reflections several years later.  More >

Foreign Aid Competition in Northeast Asia

Hyo-sook Kim and David M. Potter, editors
In recent years, China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan have been transformed from aid recipients to aid donors, raising a number of questions. What motivated these four countries to embark on aid programs? Do their policies represent new approaches to poverty alleviation? Do they reinforce or disrupt the emerging consensus within the international community on aid policy harmonization and  More >

Foreign Aid Toward the Millennium

Steven W. Hook, editor
Like world politics itself, the foreign-assistance regime of the late 1990s is characterized by fundamental change and widespread uncertainty. This book confronts these changes and considers, cross-nationally, how donor and recipient states are adapting their aid relationships to the transformed geopolitical environment. Combining the expertise of both area specialists and those focusing on  More >

Foreign Economic Relations of the European Community: The Impact of Spain and Portugal

Alfred Tovias
Providing a wealth of primary source data on the European Community after the accession of Spain and Portugal, Alfred Tovias assesses the changes—demographic, economic, and cultural—that have occurred thus far as a result of the third enlargement and posits that a further result will be the development of new EC foreign policies. Tovias traces the evolving character of the EC and,  More >

Foreign Investment and Domestic Development: Multinationals and the State

Jenny Rebecca Kehl
How is it that billions of dollars flow through the developing world without altering its reality of poverty and scarcity? Jenny Kehl explores the crucial relationship between foreign direct investment and domestic development, focusing on the wide variation in the capacity of governments to negotiate FDI to the advantage of their citizens. To isolate the influence of political factors, Kehl  More >

Foreign Policies of the CIS States: A Comprehensive Reference

Denis Degterev and Konstantin Kurylev, editors
How do the former Soviet republics that now constitute the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) interact with each other and with other regional and world powers? What are the conceptual foundations, mechanisms, and main directions of each member state's foreign policy? What role do economic and political factors play? Answering these questions and more in this systematic, comprehensive  More >

Foreign Policy Analysis Beyond North America

Klaus Brummer and Valerie M. Hudson, editors
North American scholars typically do not hesitate to make pronouncements about foreign policy processes and outcomes in other countries. And despite ample evidence to the contrary, the perception that foreign policy analysis is still largely a North American scholarly enterprise persists. Foreign Policy Analysis Beyond North America challenges this perception, providing a rich overview of work by  More >

Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas

Gordon Mace and Jean-Philippe Thérien, editors
This comparative analysis of foreign policy behavior in the Americas focuses on the emerging trend toward regionalism. Following a discussion of the phenomenon of regionalism in general, chapters on the countries of North America, the Caribbean, and South America address three questions fundamental to the relationship between national foreign policy and hemispheric cooperation and integration:  More >
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