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Afghanistan’s Troubled Transition: Politics, Peacekeeping, and the 2004 Presidential Election

Scott Seward Smith
Scott Seward Smith focuses on Afghanistan's 2004 presidential election—the first popular election ever held there—as he explores the painstaking attempt by the United Nations to develop democratic institutions in the country. Smith thoroughly describes the personalities, policies, bureaucracies, and external factors that shaped the faltering transition process from 2001 through  More >

Africa and Europe: From Roman Times to National Independence, 2nd edition

Norman R. Bennett
Bennett emphasizes political history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, introducing economic, social, and other historical themes where appropriate. While he necessarily includes an extensive systematic account of the various modes of colonial rule, he makes a special effort to explore less well-known topics as well, such as the role of European-educated Africans in the formation of an  More >

Africa in the Global Economy

Richard E. Mshomba
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! This in-depth analysis of the role of international trade in Africa focuses on four central issues: the trade policies of the sub-Saharan African countries; the impact of GATT and its successor, the World Trade Organization; the impact of specific GATT/WTO agreements; and the viability of regional economic integration as a strategy for trade and  More >

Africa's Emerging Maize Revolution

Derek Byerlee and Carl K. Eicher, editors
Although relatively new to Africa, maize has recently replaced cassava as the continent's most important food crop, and increased maize production has the potential of helping to reverse Africa's food crisis. This book presents the results of extensive field research on the maize economy in six African countries, as well as broader-based studies of maize research and extension (R&E),  More >

Africa's Stalled Development: International Causes and Cures

David K. Leonard and Scott Straus
This thoughtful discussion probes the international roots of Africa's civil conflicts and lackluster economies. Analyzing an unwitting system that creates a set of incentives inimical to development, the authors offer a new way of thinking about Africa's development dilemmas and the policy options for addressing them.   Weak states, aid dependence, crushing debt, and enclave  More >

Africa-US Relations: Strategic Encounters

Donald Rothchild and Edmond J. Keller, editors
Reflecting the debate between state-centered and human-security approaches to security strategy, Africa-US Relations explores the interactions between the US and African countries in a wide spectrum of key arenas. The authors range from such traditional security issues as peacekeeping and terrorism to concerns with HIV/AIDS, environmental degradation, aid policies, and international trade. Their  More >

Africa: Unity, Sovereignty, and Sorrow

Pierre Englebert
Winner of the 2010 African Politics Conference Group Best Book Award! Though the demise of one or another African state has been heralded for nearly five decades, the map of the continent remains virtually unchanged. By and large, these states have failed to protect and promote the interests of their citizens; yet they endure. Asking why, Pierre Englebert carefully articulates the manner  More >

Africa’s Cause Must Triumph: The Collected Writings of A.P. Mda

Robert Edgar and Luyanda ka Msumza, editors
A founding member of the African National Congress (ANC) Youth League, A.P. Mda was known for his passionate advocacy of African nationalism and his support for armed struggle against apartheid in the 1950s. Many of his peers considered him the foremost intellectual and strategist of their generation. Robert Edgar and Luyanda ka Msumza trace Mda's life from his early years through his three  More >

Africa’s Insurgents: Navigating an Evolving Landscape

Morten Bøås and Kevin C. Dunn, editors
Amid an array of shifting national, regional, and global forces, how have African insurgents managed to adapt and survive? And what differences and similarities can be found, both among the continent's diverse rebellions and guerrilla movements and between them and movements elsewhere in the world? Addressing these issues, the authors of Africa's Insurgents explore how new groups are  More >

Africa’s International Relations: Balancing Domestic and Global Interests

Beth Elise Whitaker and John F. Clark
Comprehensive and engaging, this timely introduction to Africa's international relations explores how power, interests, and ideas influence interactions both among the continent's states and between African states and other actors in the global arena. How has history shaped the international relations of African states and peoples? What role does identity play? How are foreign policies  More >
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