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Development and Advocacy: Development in Practice

Deborah Eade, editor, with an introduction by Maria Teresa Diokno-Pascual
Complete book information to come.  More >

Development and Agroforestry: Scaling Up the Impacts of Research

Steven Franzel, Peter Cooper, Glenn Denning, and Deborah Eade, editors
Can local, small-scale development successes can be scaled up to create wider, long-term benefits? Focusing on this question, the chapters in Development and Agroforestry, drawn from the acclaimed journal Development in Practice, explore the experiences of researchers and small-scale farmers involved in agroforestry development projects around the globe.  More >

Development and Cities

David Westendorff and Deborah Eade, editors
The authors of  Development and Cities focus on the political, social, and economic viability of new or alternative approaches to urban management in the South that aim to increase access to adequate levels of basic services and healthy living and working conditions for the growing number of urban poor.  More >

Development and Democracy in India

Shalendra D. Sharma
This broad, historically grounded study examines the relationship between democratic governance and economic development in postindependence India (1947-1998). Sharma addresses the fundamental paradox of India’s political economy: why have five decades of democratically guided strategies failed to reconcile economic growth with redistribution or to mitigate the condition of extreme poverty  More >

Development and Humanitarianism: Practical Issues

Deborah Eade and Tony Vaux, editors
Humanitarian intervention invariably rubs shoulders with politics—awkwardly, and sometimes with tragic results.  Development and Humanitarianism draws from the contents of the acclaimed journal Development in Practice to address the dilemmas that aid agencies and their frontline staff face in interpreting the principles of humanitarianism in situations where they risk being manipulated  More >

Development and Management: Experiences in Value-Based Conflict

Deborah Eade, Tom Hewitt and Hazel Johnson, editors
Complete book information to come.  More >

Development and the Learning Organisation

Laura Roper, Jethro Pettit, and Deborah Eade, editors
As development NGOs and aid agencies embrace the idea of "becoming a learning organization," they are increasingly concerned with issues of knowledge generation. This collection, drawn from the contents of the acclaimed journal Development in Practice, presents the work of  development scholars and practitioners from a range of institutional backgrounds, some introducing new  More >

Development and the Private Sector: Consuming Interests

Deborah Eade and John Sayer, editors
Presenting both analytical chapters and case studies ranging from El Salvador, to Kenya, to Timor-Leste, the authors of Development and the Private Sector explore how the private sector can do less harm, and even do considerable good, by fostering equitable development.  More >

Development and Underdevelopment: The Political Economy of Global Inequality, 5th edition

Mitchell A. Seligson and John T Passé-Smith, editors
The fifth edition of this classic reader retains many of the articles that have made the book a must-assign for classes on development and political economy, but has been updated with 14 new chapters that look even more deeply at long-term factors that help to explain the origins and current trends in the gap between rich and poor. An entirely new section focuses on natural resource and  More >

Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies

David Lewis and David Mosse, editors
The contributors to Development Brokers and Translators, all anthropologists with practical experience in development work, show how ethnography can be an indispensable tool for understanding the complex and dynamic relationships among communities, ideas, resources, and development agencies.  More >
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