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Beyond Plunder: Toward Democratic Governance in Liberia

Amos Sawyer
Can a stable political order be established in Liberia in the aftermath of the collapse of governance and a horrendous period of pillage and carnage? Amos Sawyer argues that the task can indeed be accomplished—but only in the context of new constitutional arrangements and governing institutions that differ markedly from those of the past. Sawyer draws deeply on his experience as head of  More >

Beyond Political Correctness: Social Transformation in the United States

Michael S. Cummings
Why does the right dominate debates on crime, family values, and economic freedom? Why does the left defend divisive aspects of affirmative action, while equivocating on questions of ecology and political empowerment for young people? The answer, Cummings believes, is that too many progressives have avoided politically sensitive issues, condemning themselves to intellectual atrophy and political  More >

Beyond Positivism: Critical Reflections on International Relations

Claire Turenne Sjolander and Wayne S. Cox
The metatheoretical debates between positivists and postpositivists that characterized the development of IR theory during the 1980s left at least one major question unanswered: what does postpositivist scholarship look like? This book offers an answer to that question, proceeding from the premise that the metatheoretical debates have reached an impasse, and suggesting that scholarship motivated  More >

Beyond Racism: Race and Inequality in Brazil, South Africa, and the United States

Charles V. Hamilton, Lynn Huntley, Neville Alexander, Antonio Sérgio Alfredo Guimarães, and Wilmot James, editors
This provocative comparative study explores issues of race, racism, and strategies to improve the status of people of African descent in Brazil, South Africa, and the United States. What constitutes "race"? Is Brazil in fact a "great racial democracy"? What is the significance of color in postapartheid South Africa? How will the changing U.S. demographics affect efforts to  More >

Beyond the Arab Spring: Authoritarianism and Democratization in the Arab World

Rex Brynen, Pete W. Moore, Bassel F. Salloukh, and Marie-Joëlle Zahar
For years the authoritarian regimes of the Arab world displayed remarkable persistence. Then, beginning in December 2010, much of the region underwent rapid and remarkable political change.  This volume explores the precursors, nature, and trajectory of the dynamics unleashed by the Arab Spring. The authors focus on the complex forces that have sustained authoritarianism in the region, as  More >

Beyond the Magic Bullet: NGO Performance and Accountability in the Post–Cold War World

Michael Edwards and David Hulme, editors
Beyond the Magic Bullet offers a thorough assessment of the roles, performance, and accountability of NGOs and grassroots organizations in international development assistance. Drawing on case studies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the authors provide frameworks for assessing performance and accountability and offer experienced-based guidelines for improving both.  More >

Bibliography of Women Writers from the Caribbean: 1831–1986

Brenda F. Berrian and Aart Broek, editors
This exhaustive bibliography includes creative works by Dutch-, English-, French-, and Spanish-speaking women writers from the Caribbean. The entries are grouped by language region, and within region by genre. There is also an extensive author index.  More >

Big Brother: The Soviet Union and Soviet Europe

Hélène Carrère D'Encausse, translated by George Holoch
Published in 1987, the author of this book synthesizes in this work a vast array of research in an analysis of the background and current dynamics of the relationship at the time between the Soviet Union and its East European dependencies.  More >

Biko: Philosophy, Identity, and Liberation

Mabogo Percy More
Why write a new book about Steve Biko? Are there untapped lessons to be learned or principles to be gleaned from Biko’s work? As he answers these questions, Mabogo More presents an unparalleled critique of Biko's philosophy and social theory. Perhaps most important, he shows how Biko's ideas speak to the present human condition, especially the black condition, not only in South  More >

Billy Mitchell

James J. Cooke
This compelling chronicle of a controversial figure—a man who could be charming, fanatical, arrogant, and confrontational—places Billy Mitchell in the context of the great debates over U.S. air power between the world wars. Mitchell demonstrated during WWI that massive air power could decisively affect combat operations on the ground, and he argued vehemently to anyone who would listen  More >
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