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The Administrative Theories of Hamilton and Jefferson: Their Contribution to Thought on Public Administration

Lynton Keith Caldwell
An expanded and revised study of the administration rivalry and conflict between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson examining their ideals, changes in their viewpoints, and resolutions to many paradoxes.  More >

The Affordable Care Act: At the Nexus of Politics and Policy

James M. Brasfield
In the more than a decade since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, questions about the law continue to be vigorously debated. What political dynamics led to its passage? Why has it been subject to so many existential threats? What accounts for its survival and growth? How can its performance best be evaluated? Addressing these questions, James Brasfield eschews partisan rhetoric to  More >

The Age of War: The United States Confronts the World

Gabriel Kolko
In this comprehensive, succinct—and provocative—overview of five decades of US foreign policy, Gabriel Kolko gives special emphasis to the period since 2000. Kolko argues that, as dangerous as the Cold War era was, we face far more instability and unpredictability now; the international environment is qualitatively more precarious than ever. Ranging from the Vietnam War to the war in  More >

The Alchemy of Glory: The Dialectic of Truthfulness and Untruthfulness in Medieval Arabic Literary Criticism

Mansour Ajami
A detailed study of the literary debate among medieval Arab critics and philosophers about the use of truthfulness and untruthfulness in the poetry of the period. Emphasis on the critical schemes proposed by al-Jurjani and al-Qarta-janni. The book includes extensive notes, a bibliography, an index of personal names, and a useful glossary/index of literary and philosophical terms.  More >

The Alhazai of Maradi: Traditional Hausa Merchants in a Changing Sahelian City

Emmanuel Gregoire, translated by Benjamin H. Hardy
The West African town of Maradi, capital of a prestigious nineteenth century Hausa chiefdom, became a trading center during the colonial period, and after Niger's independence in 1960, its prosperity and growth accelerated. Maradi's population increase (from 9,000 inhabitants in 1954 to nearly 100,000 by 1986) was accompanied by rapid social change, including the emergence of a rich  More >

The American Jewish Experience, 2nd edition

Jonathan D. Sarna, editor
Offering a range of the liveliest, most informative writing on Jews in America from colonial times to the present, the revised edition of this popular collection, with nine new chapters, explores both contemporary issues and traditional areas of interest. An editor's note preceding each chapter highlights context and relevance, and a bibliographic essay follows each section.  More >

The Americas in Transition: The Contours of Regionalism

Gordon Mace, Louis Bélanger, and contributors
The FTA, MERCOSUR, the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative, NAFTA, the Summit of the Americas—do these constitute building blocs in the construction of a new regional system? This book explores that question, offering an assessment of the state of regionalism in the Americas. The authors first outline the regionalist project—which they view as essentially a U.S.  More >

The ANC Underground in South Africa, 1950-1976

Raymond Suttner
It is widely assumed that the African National Congress essentially disappeared from South Africa after its banning in 1960 and the imprisonment of its leaders, until public support for it revived in the wake of the 1976 Soweto uprising. Raymond Suttner takes issue with that view. Drawing on extensive oral testimony, Suttner reveals how internally based activists, often working independently of  More >

The Andes in Focus: Security, Democracy, and Economic Reform

Russell Crandall, Guadalupe Paz, and Riordan Roett, editors
How can a region roiled by political strife, civil war, illicit drug trafficking, and dismal economic performance achieve political stability and support economic growth? The Andes in Focus addresses this question with an in-depth look at the complex factors underlying the ongoing volatile situation. The authors offer detailed analyses of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, as well  More >

The Arab Gulf States: Beyond Oil and Islam

Sean Foley
If petroleum buys political legitimacy in the Arab Gulf states, how can we explain the rise of dissent and calls for political reform despite sustained oil revenues? The answer, according to Sean Foley, lies in political, social, and economic dynamics that have been brewing beneath the surface for more than a decade—and that are slowly shifting the balance of political power. While not  More >
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