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Foreign Investment and Domestic Development: Multinationals and the State

Jenny Rebecca Kehl
How is it that billions of dollars flow through the developing world without altering its reality of poverty and scarcity? Jenny Kehl explores the crucial relationship between foreign direct investment and domestic development, focusing on the wide variation in the capacity of governments to negotiate FDI to the advantage of their citizens. To isolate the influence of political factors, Kehl  More >

International Law: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 3rd Edition

Charlotte Ku and Paul F. Diehl, editors
Covering subjects ranging from treaties and dispute resolution to the environment, human rights, and terrorism, this anthology reveals the influence of international law on political behavior. The third edition has been updated with 13 new chapters that discuss emerging actors and structures, address the most pressing current issues, and consider the future evolution of the international legal  More >

Nubian Women of West Aswan: Negotiating Tradition and Change, 2nd edition

Anne M. Jennings
In the decade-and-a-half since the first edition of this book was written, there have been dramatic changes both in the town of Aswan and among the devoutly Muslim Nubians of the of West Aswan. Anne Jennings’s revised and updated ethnography reflects those changes and also incorporates new material from archaeological/historical research and new literature on the impact of tourism, the work  More >

Living Our Religions: Hindu and Muslim South Asian—American Women Narrate Their Experiences

Anjana Narayan and Bandana Purkayastha
Living Our Religions sheds important light on the lives of Hindu and Muslim American women of South Asian origin. As the authors reveal their diverse and culturally dynamic religious practices, describe the race, gender, and ethnic boundaries that they encounter, and document how they resist and challenge these boundaries, they cut through the myths and ethnocentrism of popular portrayals to  More >

Reluctant Bedfellows: Feminism, Activism and Prostitution in the Philippines

Meredith Ralston and Edna Keeble
This book outlines key facets of the authors' five year development project on sex tourism and prostitution in the Philippines, and is a powerful reflection on the raging debates taking place among feminists about the Third World. Ralston and Keeble follow the history of prostitution in former military outpost Angeles City, the women and foreign men who live by the trade and the varied  More >

Progress of the World’s Women 2008/2009: Who Answers to Women? Gender and Accountability

Progress of the World’s Women 2008/2009 presents new data providing clear evidence that women's empowerment and gender equality are key drivers for reducing poverty, building food security, reducing maternal mortality, safeguarding the environment, and enhancing the effectiveness of aid.  More >

Religion and Politics in Saudi Arabia: Wahhabism and the State

Mohammed Ayoob and Hasan Kosebalaban, editors
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! What is Wahhabism? What is its relationship with the Saudi state? Does it play a part in Islamist terrorist threats? These are among the complex questions tackled in Religion and Politics in Saudi Arabia. Moving from the historical, social, and political contexts in which Wahhabism originated and flourished to its current internal divisions and its impact on  More >

Building Democracy in Latin America, 3rd edition

John Peeler
The third edition of this historically and theoretically grounded analysis of the democratic experience in Latin America reflects important developments both in the region and in the comparative politics literature. Placing the subject in a normative context, John Peeler gives significant attention to the adequacy of a purely electoral concept of democracy. He also addresses the problems that  More >

Ethnic Lobbies and US Foreign Policy

David M. Paul and Rachel Anderson Paul
Dozens of ethnic groups work determinedly to achieve specific policy goals in Washington, but to what degree do they actually wield power? Which groups are the most influential, and why? David Paul and Rachel Anderson Paul consider the relative impact of 38 ethnic lobbies to determine whether—and if so, how—they affect the course of US foreign policy. Paul and Paul systematically  More >

China's New Role in Africa

Ian Taylor
Ian Taylor explores the nature and implications of China's burgeoning role in Africa, arguing that Beijing is using Africa not only as a source of needed raw materials and potential new markets, but also to bolster its own position on the international stage. After tracing the history of Sino-African relations, Taylor addresses key current issues: What will be the long-term consequences,  More >
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