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Women at Work: Tupperware, Passion Parties, and Beyond

L. Susan Williams and Michelle Bemiller
Do Tupperware parties and Mary Kay sales empower individual women, or do they exploit personal relationships for corporate gain? Looking through the overlapping lenses of gender, work, and culture, Susan Williams and Michelle Bemiller critically explore the world of party plan sales.                          More >

Reproducing Race: The Paradox of Generation Mix

Rainier Spencer
Is postraciality just around the corner? How realistic are the often-heard pronouncements that mixed-race identity is leading the United States to its postracial future? In his provocative analysis, Rainier Spencer illuminates the assumptions that multiracial ideology in fact shares with concepts of both white supremacy and antiblackness. Spencer links the mulatto past with the mulatto present  More >

Women and War: Gender Identity and Activism in Times of Conflict

Joyce P. Kaufman and Kristen P. Williams
Joyce Kaufman and Kristen Williams draw on both traditional and feminist IR theory to explore the roles that women play leading up to, during, and after conflict situations, how they spur and respond to nationalist and social movements, and how conceptions of gender are deeply intertwined with ideas about citizenship and the state.  More >

Artisans and Fair Trade: Crafting Development

Mary A. Littrell and Marsha A. Dickson
After agriculture and tourism, artisan work provides the next most significant source of income in many developing countries. Yet, there is strong disagreement among both politicians and development professionals as to whether the handicraft sector is worthy of investment—and the debate has been hampered by a lack of industry data. Mary Littrell and Marsha Dickson draw on their eight  More >

Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Cheryl A. Rubenberg, editor
ForeWord Magazine's Reference Book of the Year! The three-volume Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is the first authoritative reference source to provide comprehensive, impartial coverage of one of the most torturous and prolonged conflicts of our time. Written by an international team of more than 100 experts, and subject to an exhaustive, bias-hunting editorial process,  More >

Schools in the Forest: How Grassroots Education Brought Political Empowerment to the Brazilian Amazon

Denis Lynn Daly Heyck
Drawing on the experience of  Projecto Seringueiro (Project Rubber Tapper), Denis Heyck reveals how a radical education experiment designed simply to bring literacy to rubber tappers in the Amazon rainforests helped the members of a threatened community to claim their political rights and preserve their cultural heritage in the face of ferocious opposition. The rubber tappers' story shows  More >

Safe Haven? A History of Refugees in America

David W. Haines
In his masterful study of the relationship between refugees and the United States, covering seven decades of immigration history, David Haines shows how both the refugees and their new communities have struggled with national and ethnic identities, and also the effect that this struggle has had on US institutions and attitudes.  More >

Globalization in Africa: Recolonization or Renaissance?

Pádraig Carmody
Is globalization good for Africa? Pádraig Carmody explores the evolving nature and impact of globalization throughout the continent, as China, the US, and other economic powers exert their influence. Drawing especially on the cases of Chad, Sudan, and Zambia, Carmody considers whether the resource curse that has for so long plagued Africa can become a blessing. He also evaluates the  More >

Identity Politics in the Age of Globalization

Roger Coate and Markus Thiel, editors
Despite the homogenizing effect of globalization, identity politics have gained significance—numerous groups have achieved political goals and gained recognition based on, for example, their common gender, religion, ethnicity, or disability. Are each of these groups unique, or can comparisons be drawn among them? What is the impact of globalization on identity politics? The authors of  More >

Class Dynamics of Agrarian Change

Henry Bernstein
Henry Bernstein argues that class dynamics should be the starting point of any analysis of agrarian change. Providing an accessible introduction to agrarian political economy, he shows clearly how the argument for "bringing class back in" provides an alternative to inherited conceptions of the agrarian question. He also ably illustrates what is at stake in different ways of thinking  More >
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