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Guns, Violence, and Criminal Behavior: The Offender’s Perspective

Mark Pogrebin, Paul B. Stretesky, and N. Prabha Unnithan
How are guns used and viewed by criminals? Where do criminals obtain guns? And how do laws make firearms more or less accessible? Confronting these contentious questions, Guns, Violence, and Criminal Behavior offers a comprehensive exploration of the social processes surrounding illegal firearm use and criminal behavior.  The authors draw on in-depth interviews with felons convicted of  More >

Judging Victims: Why We Stigmatize Survivors, and How They Reclaim Respect

Jennifer L. Dunn
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! "Why didn't she resist?" "Why is he telling us only now?" "Why can't she move on?" Unpacking the questions that cast victims as deviants, Jennifer Dunn critically examines why we stigmatize survivors of rape, battering, incest, and clergy abuse—and how they reclaim their identities. Dunn explores the shifting  More >

EU Security Policy: What It Is, How It Works, Why It Matters

Michael Merlingen
What is the European Union's security and defense policy (CSDP)? How does it work? Does it make a difference in international security affairs? How do other global actors react to Europe’s new assertiveness? And how do theories of international relations account for the trajectory of EU integration in the high politics of national security? In this comprehensive survey and analysis,  More >

Being Female: The Continuum of Sexualization

Jennifer K. Wesely
It is often said that sex sells, but who pays the price? Jennifer Wesely probes the sources and consequences of sexualization in girls' and women's lives. Offering new insights into an enduring problem, she documents the increasingly pervasive and powerful nature of raunch culture and demonstrates how females are being sexualized in ways that are more extreme and damaging than ever  More >

Dorm Room Dealers: Drugs and the Privileges of Race and Class

A. Rafik Mohamed and Erik D. Fritsvold
Why do affluent, upwardly mobile college students—who have everything to lose and little to gain—choose to sell drugs? Why do law enforcement officers largely overlook drug dealing on college campuses? With rich, lively details, A. Rafik Mohamed and Erik Fritsvold deliver unprecedented insight into the world of college drug dealers—and offer an important corrective to the  More >

Taiwan’s Political Economy: Meeting Challenges, Pursuing Progress

Cal Clark and Alexander C. Tan
Taiwan's economic and political transformation was once considered a model for developing nations, but in recent decades, the momentum has stalled. Why? Cal Clark and Alexander Tan explain the country's paradoxical political economy, tracing its achievements and exploring its challenges. The authors appraise Taiwan's hard-won accomplishments—a legitimate democracy and a  More >

Detecting Corruption in Developing Countries: Identifying Causes/Strategies for Action

Bertram I. Spector
Excessive government discretion, greed, and the abuse of power for private gain are widespread phenomena in developing countries, denying citizens the critical services that they are entitled to—and leaving little room for a country's economic growth. Bertram Spector presents a comprehensive strategy for detecting and confronting corruption in the public sector, which he supports with  More >

Enforcing the Convict Code: Violence and Prison Culture

Rebecca Trammell
Is it possible that a prison's gangs, racial tensions, and underground economy may actually serve to make it a less dangerous place? In this examination of violence behind bars, Rebecca Trammell illuminates the social code that prisoners enforce—in defiance of official rules and regulations—to maintain a predictable order. Trammell also compares the experiences of male and  More >

Western Sahara: Anatomy of a Stalemate?, 2nd edition

Erik Jensen
Responding to the changes that have swept across North Africa since the first edition of this book was published, Erik Jensen sheds new light on the enduring dispute over Western Sahara. Jensen reviews the history of the dispute, beginning with its colonial roots, and explains how and why attempts made by the OAU and, more persistently, the UN failed to achieve a formula for resolution  More >

Crime and Criminality: Causes and Consequences, 2nd edition

Ronald D. Hunter and Mark L. Dantzker
This concise but thorough introductory textbook bridges the gap between theory and the real world of crime and criminal justice. In clear, accessible prose, the authors discuss the full gamut of  issues and concepts typically covered on the introductory course syllabus. Building on the basics covered in the first edition, this revised and updated edition: •    Uses  More >
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