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Capital Cities in Africa: Power and Powerlessness

Simon Bekker and Göran Therborn, editors
Capital cities today remain central to both nations and states. They host centers of political power, not only national, but in some cases regional and global as well, thus offering major avenues to success, wealth and privilege. For these reasons capitals simultaneously become centers of 'counter-power,' locations of high-stakes struggles between the government and the opposition. This  More >

Human Rights, Revolution, and Reform in the Muslim World

Anthony Tirado Chase
Do human rights inform the nature of politics in the Muslim world today? If so, how? And perhaps more fundamentally, why? Linking these questions in a provocative way, Anthony Tirado Chase persuasively rejects popular arguments that there is an incompatibility between human rights and Islam. Chase uses a range of local developments as his point of departure, in the process stressing the  More >

Design Against Crime: Crime Proofing Everyday Products

Paul Ekblom, editor
From bicycle stands configured to prevent theft to pharmaceutical packaging that thwarts counterfeiters, the authors fuse crime science and design practice to point the way forward for a new generation of crime-proofed objects used in everyday contexts.  More >

The Kurds of Iraq: Building a State Within a State

Ofra Bengio
Ofra Bengio explores the dynamics of relations between the Kurds of Iraq and the Iraqi state from the inception of the Baath regime to the present. Bengio draws on a wealth of rich source materials to carefully trace the evolution of Kurdish national identity in Iraq. Dissecting the socioeconomic, political, and ideological transformations that Iraqi Kurdish society has undergone across some  More >

The Collected Papers of Kofi Annan: UN Secretary-General, 1997-2006

Jean E. Krasno, editor
The thousands of documents in this five-volume set illuminate the complexity and texture of the workings of the United Nations as they trace the activities of Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the conceptual evolution of his ideas.  With the cooperation of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General in the release of previously classified material, the documents encompass internal notes,  More >

Driving Down the Cost of Drugs: Battling Big Pharma in the Statehouse

Ramón Castellblanch
How can health-access advocates beat the wealthy pharmaceutical industry, which has the biggest spending lobby in Washington? Ramón Castellblanch provides a ringside seat at the battle as he reveals how activists in Vermont, Maine, and California took on Big Pharma in their state legislatures to promote better and cheaper access to prescription drugs—and ultimately pushed Congress to  More >

Immigrant Politics: Race and Representation in Western Europe

Terri E. Givens and Rahsaan Maxwell, editors
Do ethnic minority politicians play a meaningful role in Western Europe? How do European publics feel about nonwhite politicians? How are political parties reaching out to ethnic minority communities, and how do those communities feel about their political influence? Addressing these increasingly critical questions, the authors of Immigrant Politics explore the realities, possibilities, and  More >

Men and Substance Abuse: Narratives of Addiction and Recovery

Judith Grant
Judith Grant explores the experiences of men who grapple with drug and alcohol abuse, illuminating the interplay between individual identity and social environment that shapes the processes of addiction and recovery. Grant draws on the voices of the men themselves as she traces and analyzes their paths to both addiction and desistance. Documenting the full sweep of their journeys, she also  More >

Civil Wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1960-2010

Emizet François Kisangani
Wars of secession, ethnic wars, rebellions, and mutinies have been part of the political landscape of the Democratic Republic of Congo since the country became independent in 1960.  Why? And what can we learn from this seemingly unending series of internal conflicts?  Emizet François Kisangani explores these fundamental questions within a rigorously systematic and uniquely  More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2012

Center on International Cooperation
Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional organizations, and by coalitions—that is available. Features of the 2012 volume include: • a thematic focus on the role of peace operations in the extension of state authority • a summary  More >
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