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Electoral Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa: Causes and Consequences

Stephanie M. Burchard
After decades of experimentation with various forms of dictatorship and autocracy, most sub-Saharan African countries adopted multiparty elections in the 1990s—a development widely celebrated as a sign that the region was moving toward democracy. This embrace of elections, however, has often been accompanied by unanticipated violence, raising important questions: Are violent elections a  More >

Why Peace Processes Fail: Negotiating Insecurity After Civil War

Jasmine-Kim Westendorf
Why do so many post–civil war societies continue to be characterized by widespread violence and political instability? Or, more succinctly, why do peace processes so often fail to consolidate peace? Addressing this question, Jasmine-Kim Westendorf explores how the international community engages in resolving civil wars—and clarifies why, despite the best of intentions and the  More >

The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World, 5th edition

Brian Frederking and Paul F. Diehl, editors
Covering decisionmaking processes, peace and security affairs, and economic, social, and humanitarian issues, The Politics of Global Governance helps students of international organizations to understand the major themes, theories, and approaches central to the subject. The fifteen new selections in this fully revised edition reflect an increased emphasis on transnational governance and emerging  More >

The US Military in Africa: Enhancing Security and Development?

Jessica Piombo, editor
Recent US security policy toward Africa has adopted a multidimensional approach—including the use of military assets to promote economic development and good governance—that has raised questions and generated considerable debate. Can actors like the US military develop appropriate methods to address both US and African interests? What blend of civilian and military programs are most  More >

Undocumented Latino Youth: Navigating Their Worlds

Marisol Clark-Ibáñez
Though often overlooked in heated debates, nearly 1.8 million undocumented immigrants are under the age of 18. How do immigration policies shape the lives of these young people? How do local and state laws that are seemingly unrelated to undocumented communities negatively affect them? Marisol Clark-Ibáñez delivers an intimate look at growing up as an undocumented Latino immigrant,  More >

The European Union and the Member States, 3rd Edition

Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B. Pirro, editors
Can the European Union survive repeated economic crises? If it survives, will it stay as it is or take on a new form? This new edition of The European Union and the Member States, fully revised and updated, addresses these questions as it explores the complex relationship between the EU and each of its now 28 members. The country chapters follow a common format, considering: How and in what  More >

Crime, Justice, and Society: An Introduction to Criminology, 4th edition

Ronald J. Berger, Marvin D. Free, Jr., Melissa Deller, and Patrick K. O’Brien
Now fully revised, Crime, Justice, and Society is designed not only to introduce students to the core issues of criminology, but also to help them think critically about often-sensationalized topics. Features of the 4th edition include:    • A student-friendly, streamlined organization • Firsthand perspectives from offenders, victims, and criminal justice  More >

Connecting Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation

Elisabeth Porter
Can postconflict states achieve both peace and justice as they deal with a traumatic past? What role does reconciliation play in healing wounds, building trust, and rectifying injustices? This provocative book, incorporating the frameworks of both peace/conflict studies and transitional justice, explores the core challenges that war-torn states confront once the violence has ended. The book is  More >

Political Islam and Democracy in the Muslim World

Paul Kubicek
Belying assertions of the incompatibility of Islam and democracy, many Muslim-majority countries are now or have been democratic. Paul Kubicek draws on the experiences of those countries to explore the relationship between political manifestations of Islam and democratic politics. Kubicek's comparative analysis allows him to highlight the common features that create conditions amenable to  More >

Muslims in US Prisons: People, Policy, Practice

Nawal H. Ammar, editor
How realistic are media portrayals of radical, "homegrown" Islamic terrorists filling US prisons? With prisons a fertile recruiting ground for Islam, what impact does the religion have on life behind bars? Muslims in US Prisons systematically explores the cultural, legal, political, and religious issues shaping the Muslim prison experience.          More >
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