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Seriously Funny: Disability and the Paradoxical Power of Humor

Shawn Chandler Bingham and Sara E. Green
Exploring a paradox, Shawn Bingham and Sara Green show how humor has been used both to challenge traditional views of disability and to reinforce negative stereotypes and social inequalities. Seriously Funny ranges from ancient Greek dramas to medieval court jesters to contemporary comedy, from stage performances to the experiences of daily life. Rich with insights into issues of identity and  More >

Navigating Change for International NGOs: A Practical Handbook

James Crowley and Morgana Ryan
How can the managers, the staff, the board members and CEOs of international NGOs best navigate the strategic changes that are needed so that their organizations can work effectively in today's complex environment? Having focused on the need for those changes in their previous book, Building a Better International NGO, James Crowley and Morgana Ryan now provide a practical, hands-on guide to  More >

Democracy and Its Discontents in Latin America

Joe Foweraker and Dolores Trevizo, editors
Why is there so much discontent with democracy across Latin America? Are regimes being judged by unrealistic standards of success—or is there legitimate cause for criticism in light of  widespread failures to deliver either transparency or effective public policies? Addressing these questions across a variety of dimensions, the authors explore the diverse ways in which the specific  More >

The Changing Currents of Transpacific Integration: China, the TPP, and Beyond

Adrian H. Hearn and Margaret Myers, editors
This comprehensive assessment of transpacific economic integration explores the many ways that new approaches to multilateral cooperation, and notably the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), are transforming the regional landscape. Reflecting diverse views on the merits of new and wide-ranging agreements, the authors consider: To what extent will the TPP facilitate the US "pivot" to Asia  More >

Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration: Theory and Practice

Desmond Molloy
Disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration, or DDR, has been widely advocated for decades as an essential component of postconflict peacebuilding. But DDR in practice has generated more questions than answers. Does the approach work, contributing to postconflict stabilization and the reintegration of former combatants? Can it work better? What constitutes success? What accounts for failures?  More >

Political Parties in South Africa: Do They Undermine or Underpin Democracy?

Heather Thuynsma, editor
In the past several years, the dominance of the African National Congress (ANC) has strained South Africa's democracy and tested its institutions. Within that context, the authors of this collection offer a detailed assessment of the health of the country's political party system.   More >

Cricket and Conquest: The History of South African Cricket Retold, Volume 1, 1795–1914

André Odendaal, Krish Reddy, Christopher Merrett, and Jonty Winch
The first of its kind for any sport in South Africa: a cricket love story of epic dimensions, full of sometimes shocking details. Cricket and Conquest fundamentally revises long-established foundational narratives of early South African cricket,  reaching beyond whites-only mainstream histories to integrate at every stage and in every region the experiences of black, as well as women,  More >

Recycling Dictators in Latin American Elections: Legacies of Military Rule

Brett J. Kyle
What explains the presence—and the surprising performance—of former authoritarian-regime officials in Latin American presidential elections? To answer that question, Brett J. Kyle examines the experiences of twelve countries that transitioned from military to civilian government in the Third Wave of democratization. His persuasive analysis, incorporating case studies of Chile,  More >

Adding Insult to Injury: (Mis)Treating Homeless Women in Our Mental Health System

Laura Huey and Rose Ricciardelli
Despite widespread recognition that the majority of homeless women suffer from severe mental and emotional trauma, our healthcare system has essentially left them untreated—other than to mask their symptoms with psychiatric drugs. Why? And what can be done about it? Addressing this issue, Laura Huey and Rose Ricciardelli not only present an integrated analysis of  the ways that the  More >

US Politics and the United Nations: A Tale of Dysfunctional Dynamics

Alynna J. Lyon
It is no secret that the US variously pulls away from the United Nations and embraces it as a significant venue for policy initiatives. But what explains this dramatic inconsistency? What is the logic of US multilateralism? Alynna Lyon explores the puzzling waxing and waning of US support for the UN, tracing events, actions, and decisions from the end of World War I to the present. Lyon weaves  More >
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