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1,001 Proverbs from Tunisia

Issac Yetiv
The son of a Tunisian Jewish family, Yetiv attempts to preserve some of the wisdom contained in a tradition that may be dying out. Each proverb is presented in transliterated Arabic, with both a literal English translation and an alternative translation that provides a context more familiar to a Western reader.  More >

Women and Class in Africa

Claire Robertson and Iris Berger, editors
Long-neglected as a topic of study by sociologists, historians, and economists, the status of women in Africa is here examined by a group of well-known Africanists. Raising questions about the relationship of gender stratification to class formation, this compilation of essays focuses on such issues as the relationship of female solidarity to class consciousness, politics and female class action,  More >

Africa and Europe: From Roman Times to National Independence, 2nd edition

Norman R. Bennett
Bennett emphasizes political history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, introducing economic, social, and other historical themes where appropriate. While he necessarily includes an extensive systematic account of the various modes of colonial rule, he makes a special effort to explore less well-known topics as well, such as the role of European-educated Africans in the formation of an  More >

Arab Versus European: Diplomacy and War in Nineteenth-Century East Central Africa

Norman R. Bennett
This major work analyzes competition between followers of two major world religions for mastery of the east central region of Africa. Bennett meticulously traces the process by which European economic and political rivalry with the Muslim rulers of east central Africa became transformed into a holy war against the Arabs. Bennett documents these complex relationships through three stages of  More >

The Economics of Small Businesses: Their Role and Regulation in the US Economy

William A. Brock and David S. Evans
The authors have written a timely assessment of the important but neglected role played by small businesses in the US economy. The authors focus in particular on the varying impact of government policies on businesses of different sizes.  More >

Marie Curie: A Life

Françoise Giroud, translated by Lydia Davis
Perhaps the most illustrious woman of her era, Marie Curie is well known for her Nobel Prize-winning research in physics and chemistry and for her discovery, with her husband Pierre Curie, of polonium and radium. Less familiar is the complex character of the woman whom Einstein called "the only person fame has not corrupted." Françoise Giroud's fascinating, highly personal  More >

Parliaments and Parliamentarians in Democratic Politics

Ezra N. Suleiman, editor
In this authoritative volume, Ezra N. Suleiman and an international panel of political scientists examine the complexities of the political process in seven democratic countries. Noting that the classical model of democracy in which the elected representatives of the people form the center of the legislative and decisionmaking process is no longer valid, the contributors explore the increasing  More >

The City Where No One Dies [a novel]

Bernard Dadie, translated by Janis A. Mayes
In this witty and ironic reversal of the typical colonial travelogue, Dadié recounts the journey of a bemused African traveler who settles in Rome, continuing his inquiries into the fundamental nature of humankind. Part conqueror, part pilgrim, part worshipper, and part critic, the protagonist compares Roman and African customs, traditions, history, and above all,  More >

Silence and Invisibility: A Study of the Literature of the Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand

Norman Simms
Simms explores the methodological and theoretical problems faced by creative writers in the Pacific, perceptively discussing not only the native author’s dilemma in expressing ideas and forms generally unfamiliar to Westerners, but also the problems that foreign critics and general readers face in evaluating works by Pacific authors. He considers, too, how a writer evolves in a culture where  More >

India's Industrialists

Gita Piramal and Margaret Laniak Herdeck
This study of thirteen of India's leading industrial families pays particular attention to the key decisions, cultural traditions, and personality issues that have contributed to their success. Based on interviews with scholars, journalists, government officials, and the business leaders themselves, the book covers each family business from its founding through its expansion into a large-scale,  More >
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