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Sovereignty and Subjectivity

Jenny Edkins, Nalini Persram, and Véronique Pin-Fat, editors
This provocative analysis of notions of subject and identity in international relations goes beyond discussions of identity politics to argue that sovereignty and subjectivity implicate each other, together constituting the political. The authors consider how specific pictures of the subject and of political space still capture our desires; they also examine the links those pictures have with  More >

Globalization and the Rural Poor in Latin America

William M. Loker, editor
With global sociopolitical and economic change contributing to an accelerating crisis in Latin America’s rural communities, rural residents are responding creatively with a range of survival strategies: new forms of collective action, involvement in social movements, the development of resource-management programs, and participation in broader markets. The analyses and case studies in this  More >

Mercosur: Regional Integration, World Markets

Riordan Roett, editor
This timely volume describes the origins of Mercosur, South America’s dynamic and successful regional integration project, as well as the issues still to be tackled regarding the trade bloc’s expansion, the challenges to its transition from a customs union to the “Common Market of the South,” and its relations with other trade groups and countries (particularly the European  More >

Racing to Regionalize: Democracy, Capitalism, and Regional Political Economy

Kenneth P. Thomas and Mary Ann Tétreault, editors
The intensifying proliferation of regional organizations over the last decade is explored in this volume, which focuses on the workings of APEC, the European Union, the Gulf Co-operation Council, Mercosur, and NAFTA. The authors examine a number of critical issues: How does politics shape the construction of regional agreements? To what extent do these agreements incorporate or limit economic  More >

The Transformation of U.S. Unions: Voices, Visions, and Strategies from the Grassroots

Ray M. Tillman and Michael S. Cummings, editors
What's wrong with U.S. unions, and what could make it right? These are the questions addressed by eighteen partisans—union dissidents and noted scholars—of union democracy. Agreeing that any long-term solutions must come from the grassroots of the union movement, they argue for expansion rather than contraction, militancy rather than accommodation, and internal democracy rather  More >

Women's Rights to House and Land: China, Laos, and Vietnam

Irene Tinker and Gale Summerfield, editors
Gender disparities frequently accompany rapid socioeconomic change, as cultural traditions that protected women—even as they constrained them—collapse in the face of development reforms. This collaborative volume, involving both Asian and U.S. scholars, explores the impact of changes in women’s rights to housing and land in three socialist countries that are moving toward market  More >

Globalization, Human Security, and the African Experience

Caroline Thomas and Peter Wilkin, editors
The globalization of world politics affects issues rarely considered in traditional security studies. This book explores the interrelationships of those issues in critical security terms, drawing on the African experience. The authors provide a mixture of theory and case studies distinguished by thorough cross-referencing. The introduction to the book establishes the context of the security  More >

Poststructuralism and International Relations: Bringing the Political Back In

Jenny Edkins
Offering a sophisticated introduction to the major post­structuralist thinkers, this book shows how Fou­cault, Derrida, Lacan, and Žižek expose the depoliticization found in conventional international relations theory. Edkins argues that, contrary to the opinions of their detractors, the poststructuralists are concerned with the big questions of international politics: it is precisely  More >

Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa, 3rd Edition

Naomi Chazan, Peter Lewis, Robert A. Mortimer, Donald Rothchild, and Stephen John Stedman
Recognized as the textbook on African politics, as well as an excellent resource for scholars, Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa analyzes the complexities and diversities of the African continent since independence. The authors provide a basic knowledge of political events; political structures, processes, problems, and trends; political economy; and international relations. Clearly  More >

Security, Strategy, and Critical Theory

Richard Wyn Jones
Laying out the conceptual foundations of critical security studies, Richard Wyn Jones uses the ideas of the Frankfurt School to advance critical thought about security, strategy, and the relationship between the theory and practice of security. Wyn Jones provides a sophisticated yet accessible overview of the ideas of the Frankfurt School's main thinkers—Horkheimer, Adorno, Habermas,  More >
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