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Yoruba Hometowns: Community, Identity, and Development in Nigeria

Lillian Trager
The pattern of migrants maintaining strong ties with their home communities is particularly common in sub-Saharan Africa, where it has important social, cultural, political, and economic implications. Lillian Trager explores the significance of hometown connections for civil society and local development in Nigeria. Rich ethnographic description and case studies illustrate the links that the Ijesa  More >

Turkey in World Politics: An Emerging Multiregional Power

Barry Rubin and Kemal Kirisci, editors
Once characterized by an avoidance of foreign entanglements, Turkey's diplomacy has changed dramatically in the present era of regional agreements and organizations. Tracing the evolution of that change, this comprehensive study explores the country's new international posture. The authors assess Turkey's policy toward Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and the U.S., as well as its growing  More >

Olympic Dreams: The Impact of Mega-events on Local Politics

Matthew J. Burbank, Gregory D. Andranovich, and Charles H. Heying
What drives cities to pursue large-scale, high-profile events like the Olympic games? What are the consequences for citizens and local governments? Investigating local politics in three U.S. cities—Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Salt Lake City—as they vied for the role of Olympic host, this book provides a compelling narrative of the evolving political economy of modern megaevents. The  More >

Justice and Reconciliation: After the Violence

Andrew Rigby
How do societies that have been wracked by violent conflict reconcile themselves to their recent history—and lay the foundations for a peaceful, stable future? How do they deal with the impulse for revenge? What should be done with those responsible for acts of state violence under a previous regime? How can individuals and communities best be helped to cope with the aftermath of national  More >

Turkey in the Middle East: Oil, Islam, and Politics

Alon Liel, translated by Emanuel Lottem
At the turn of the century, modern Turkey remains torn between the secular heritage of its founder, Kemal Ataturk, and the political and social trends that challenge that legacy. Alon Liel traces the development of Turkey's current political environment, investigating the collapse of the country's economy in the 1970s, its recovery in the 1980s, its relationship with its Middle Eastern  More >

Beyond Political Correctness: Social Transformation in the United States

Michael S. Cummings
Why does the right dominate debates on crime, family values, and economic freedom? Why does the left defend divisive aspects of affirmative action, while equivocating on questions of ecology and political empowerment for young people? The answer, Cummings believes, is that too many progressives have avoided politically sensitive issues, condemning themselves to intellectual atrophy and political  More >

The Armies of East Asia: China, Taiwan, Japan, and the Koreas

Dennis Van Vranken Hickey
This comprehensive study provides a detailed analysis of the military buildup in the East Asian countries: China, Taiwan, Japan, and North and South Korea. Hickey assesses the capabilities, strategies, intentions, and performance of each government's military in the context of the potential for regional instability and conflict. In his concluding chapter, he also explores U.S. objectives in  More >

State and Nation in South Asia

Swarna Rajagopalan
What makes a national community out of a state? Addressing this fundamental question, Rajagopalan studies national integration from the perspective of three South Asian communities—Tamilians in India, Sindhis in Pakistan, and Tamils in Sri Lanka—that have a history of secessionism in common, but with vastly different outcomes. Rajagopalan investigates why integration is relatively  More >

African Foreign Policies: Power and Process

Gilbert M. Khadiagala and Terrence Lyons, editors
This comprehensive treatment of the interplay between domestic and international politics analyzes efforts by African states to manage their external relations amid seismic shifts in the internal, regional, and global environments. The authors' nuanced analysis of foreign policy issues and themes traverses the continent, identifying patterns of change, examining constraints, and giving careful  More >

Global Citizen Action

Michael Edwards and John Gaventa, editors
Less than ten years ago, there was little talk of civil society in the corridors of power. But now, the walls reverberate to the sound of global citizen action—and difficult questions about the phenomenon abound. This book presents the cutting edge of contemporary thinking about nonstate participation in the international system. Against the background of the changing global context, the  More >
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